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Dixie Narco 368 cooling wont turn off.

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Hi! I'm knew to the site and need some help. I looked and searched but couldn't find what I'm looking for. 


I just bought a Dixie Narco 368. I'm new to vending machines but have an automotive background. I replaced the wiring harness due to a damaged plug. I noticed the machine never turns off but this was occurring prior to the harness swap. I'm confident its the compressor that's constantly running because its loud and ice cold no matter what the temperature knob is set to. I replaced the temperature control and have the same issue. I read something about a control bulb but not sure if this is what's causing my issue. 


Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.





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If the thermostat doesn't ever turn off and the compressor is properly charged and working fine, you will freeze your products.  If you do get frozen products that is almost always caused by a bad thermostat though it could be caused by someone turning the thermostat up too high.  The proper setting is at 3 1/2 on the dial.  If you don't know where 3 1/2 is then turn the control CCW to off.  This should turn the compressor and the bottom condenser fan off.  Now mark this point as zero on the thermostat bracket and the control then turn the control CW to 3 1/2.  If you still freeze cans or the compressor never turned off at zero then you need a new thermostat. 


Send me a PM and I can send you one.

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Thanks for the quick response. The thermostat can manually turn the compressor off when I turn the dial to off, but when I set it to a temp it never turns off. I put a new thermostat in with the same issue. I'm wondering if maybe it has a low charge? Is the thermostat supposed to be pushed inside the evap coils? 


Thanks again. 

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