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Vending battle, double vs double vs uturn (8way)


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I got my first location. I don't have the machines yet--I'm picking them up on the 28th, but I struck up a conversation with the store manager of a local automotive shop and got the approval to place my double head. No commission. No charity.

I'll be right next to a charity double head holding PMM and skittles. Due to my limited funding, I will be starting with 4 double heads and my products will be ford gumballs and PMM. The charity machine next to me is in the sunlight -- I won't make that mistake. About 1/3 of his PMM are cracked. The owner says the machine is rarely serviced.

On the other side of the room is a U-turn. It contains double bubble gumballs. It has PMM also, but they aren't very visible. (Someone could turn it, but I don't recall seeing the PMM towards the front on any trip--though I didn't really pay attention previously)

I think I can push the charity machine out by dominating the PMM battle. This autoshop is reasonably busy IMO. The wait to get in isn't too long, but they are always working on cars, and there is usually 1-3 customers sitting in the waiting room.

I'm thinking about using a "try me, bigger handful" sign off the forum for my PMM. My machine will be on the west wall, and the door is on the northwest corner, so I'm thinking I'd put the PMM on the left side of the machine -- make them more visible.

What about a freshness sign? Maybe something that says how recently the machine was serviced -- as the big knock against the PMM from the charity machine right next to mine are that they are cracked and look old.

How bout for my gumballs? My machine will be far more attractive IMO. Is there another way I can clearly take advantage of my brand of gumballs. (I think Ford's gumballs will be better than DB from sam's club -- which tend to be getting negative reviews here) What would help mine appeal to people better?

Thanks for any ideas ^^. (The product would only be changed if absolutely required due to current limitations on funds.) I'll keep updating with how the location works, and hopefully with some pictures.

EDIT: PS. They said the U-turn was serviced frequently, but it's RP was empty, so I'm not too sure about that. The charity machine had a children's cancer sticker on it, but the store manager had said it was just for helping someone out with the flood. (Iowa, flood of 2008) It would appear that the person putting it there hadn't been very memorable.

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I would not put all of those signs in the machine. Just place it, and let it go. They have very attractive lables that I use in the "Plus" section here. Make your machines look professional, and simple, and customers will use it.

I do not know about the U-Turn. From my talks with vendors, people tend to use the big U-Turn machines more often then the little doubles/singles. As for the RP: I service most of my accounts every 6-7 weeks. I often return to empty heads, even with my regular stops. That machine being empty is a good sign.


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I would not put all of those signs in the machine. Just place it, and let it go. They have very attractive lables that I use in the "Plus" section here. Make your machines look professional, and simple, and customers will use it.

I agree Kyle.  Sometimes less is more.  Keep it clean and serviced well and you will dominate that waiting room.
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I would go with what Beer says.  Use RP's because if the other guy's is selling out, that means that when his sells out, then the customers will go to yours to buy them, or vice versa.  At any rate, if RP's are the favorites of the stop, then go with what the people want.

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