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Hello all,

I'm new to the forum and new to vending but this looks like the right place to learn. I'm starting out with some sticker machines because they seem under-served in my area.

I have three questions regarding stickers & their folders:

1) Is there a supplier of printed folders other than VenDynamics?  For the life of me I can't find one!

2) Has anyone managed to purchase from VenDynamics? I really like the idea of printed folders but I can't get them to return my calls. It's super frustrating but probably understandable since I'm small time for them.

3) Does anyone know of a distributor or re seller of VDs products?


Happy vending!

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Forget the printed folders and get stuff that sells. Call Flatline, their stuff will outsell VD 3:1. Are the folders the ones with games on them? That was the weirdest and most pointless idea I ever saw in bulk vending.

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