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First Location Collection


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Hey everyone,

I very recently bought my first machine and located it into a laundromat. It is a three head machine with gumballs, Mike & Ike, and 1" toy capsules. I decided I would do a two-week check up on it to see how everything was going. I collected $72.50 for the two-week period. Is this generally what a machine brings in? I know location either makes it or breaks it, but if I bring in around that much per machine I may invest in some more machines sooner rather than later. 

Has anyone noticed if collection for a new machine is normally higher the first month compared to the rest of its lifespan? 

I greatly appreciate any input. This vending adventure is getting me excited and I am glad I found these forums.

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That's definitely not the average, and sounds like a great location. I have a couple laundromats with racks in them and they don't even do that kind of selling. In my experience, new machines do well with repeat customers and then slow down. A laundromat probably has a wider range of customers, so hopefully it keeps going strong for you. 

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That's a very good pull for 2 weeks. I do think it will taper off a bit though, there are repeat users of laundromats, but probably not a whole lot. 

If those numbers continue to stay that high, you might consider setting up a rack to try to grab a few additional sales and allow you to space out your service times a bit.

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