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How to sell your honor box route


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Hey I got a friend into honor boxes and now he wants to sell his route because he is moving to another state. how Do you determine how much to sell your route for. not sure if I want to buy it and take it on my self  but any info will be appreciated.

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There is a lot of factors involved:  $$ Annual Sales, Gross Profit,  number of accounts, inventory costs.  Are you purchasing just the accounts or also the boxes and inventory.  The problem with purchasing an honor box route is that it is made up of mostly "Blue Sky", a subjective value placed on the company.  There are no real tangible assets to give a good concrete value to, so it is mostly predicted off of current sales and potential speculation.  Is it Lollipop/Mint honor boxes or the Honor Snack trays.  How many accounts does he have and what are his gross sales?

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