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Now pass this on !

Be it known to all Coloradans, That Jared Polis is a co-sponsor of this bill. Others are listed at the bottom.

HR 1388 Up For Vote Today! Call Your Representative!

Obama's H.R.1388, "The Give Act" To Reform The National Service Laws

Obama Requires American's to SERVE, H.R.1388, "The Give Act" to reform the National Service Laws

HR 1388, will hit the House floor on Tuesday.It is called the Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act (The Give Act.) The House is scheduled to Rule this week. Sponsored by Democrat Representative Carolyn McCarthy (NY), Education and Labor Committee. The objective is to reauthorize and reform the national service laws.

Democrat Rep. McCarthy is sponsoring the bill with 25 co-sponsors, ALL Democrats, including Charlie Rangel.

* Government the right to require individuals to give 3 years service under the guise of “volunteer†service.

Its hard to find but here is the Sockdologer that I found:


There is established in the legislative branch a commission to be known as the ‘Congressional Commission on Civic Service’ (in this title referred to as the ‘Commission’).

SEC. 6104. DUTIES.

(a) General Purpose- The purpose of the Commission is to gather and analyze information in order to make recommendations to Congress to--

(B) Specific Topics- In carrying out its general purpose under subsection (a), the Commission shall address and analyze the following specific topics:

(6) Whether a workable, fair, and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people could be developed, and how such a requirement could be implemented in a manner that would strengthen the social fabric of the Nation and overcome civic challenges by bringing together people from diverse economic, ethnic, and educational backgrounds.

Rep. Carolyn McCarthy [D, NY-4]

Rep. Robert Andrews [D, NJ-1]

Rep. Joe Courtney [D, CT-2]

Rep. Raul Grijalva [D, AZ-7]

Rep. Phil Hare [D, IL-17]

Rep. Rubén Hinojosa [D, TX-15]

Rep. Mazie Hirono [D, HI-2]

Rep. Dale Kildee [D, MI-5]

Rep. George Miller [D, CA-7]

Rep. Jared Polis [D, CO-2]

Rep. Gregorio Sablan [i, MP-0]

Rep. Joe Sestak [D, PA-7]

Rep. Paul Tonko [D, NY-21]

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Whether or not they get some kind of compensation is not the issue. The issue is that the government is contemplating the impressment of our youth into service.

Our citizens are a very caring and giving lot, if no one is willing to join any of these programs for pay, then the programs are not worthy and any mandatory impressment into them would be akin to slavery.

Not to mention it is entirely Un-Constitutional.

Amendment XIII (13th)

Section 1 Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude,

except as a punishment for crime whereof the party

shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within

the United States, or any place subject to their


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Voluteerism the same as slavery, seems like a huge strech.  I re-read what you posted and I looked up the bill on house.gov.  The part you highlighted was not refering to definite "Mandatory service",  it was refering to Congress could set up a commision to consult Congress on the feasability.

I have a 5 year old son, I hope when he reaches college he will be able to pay for it.  I put quarters away every week from my vending business, to make sure this happens.  My wife left college with over $35K in tuition loans.  With the cost of a good education only being in reach for the elite, 3 years of voluteer work seems like a walk in the park. 

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I think you must have misread something, mandatory does not mean volunteer.

And the simple idea that they would even consider it is something that should key everyones thought processes as to what this current admin and liberal leftists are working toward.

If you read the 13th Amendment you will see that involuntary servitude is unconstitutional.

Why set up a commission and burn through no telling how many millions of dollars to study the feasibility of something that is so totally against the law of the land and can never be legally?

I put 2 through college and I'm not rich or elite, just hard work, perseverance and a wonderful wife that is more persistent than me, and I applaud you for wanting to do the same thing for yours.

I am not worried about my children as mine are grown, I am worried for yours and everyone else's that are just now growing up and for my grandchildren if I am lucky enough to have some.

If your children want to participate in one of those programs then they can volunteer and that is as it should be, but for them to receive a letter telling them to Report to their new Duty Station for the next 3 yrs, when they have already decided on the direction they wish to take and have begun working toward that goal, well if that doesn't tick you off

Believe me, if that bill passes as it stands and they do form a commission to study the feasibility and they have not heard an outrage from the populous, they will institute it and you can expect to have your children receive one of the Notice to Report letters in the future.

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They continue to get worse, can you believe that Obama was considering having our soldiers be responsible for their own insurance to cover injuries received in the service of our country?

I think your listening to too much neo-con radio.  Would love to see some creditable source for this one.......

All in All I consider myself a liberal.  I am proud of that.  Without getting on my soapbox too much, the country voted for a different direction.  The voters made it very clear.  Our education is suffering, our roads are cumbling, our middle class is dissappearing.  I think it is time for government takes a little effort to move things forward. 

Outlander, I'm sure you will respond, but this will probably be my last post on this.  I'm sure I can't change your views, and you definately can't change mine.  I'm also not sure this is the place for this........

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Blueplate, I am sorry to hear that, I change my views based on evidence of action, but I won't change my principles and my principles concerning my country are based on the rights, freedoms and responsibilities acknowledged and placed upon us by the Constitution for the United States of America.

I do not make my decisions on what others say, but what they do.

If you are not capable of changing your views then you do no credit to yourself, your family or your country.

The evidence you want is plainly available if you just look.

The Huffington Post is a pretty liberal publication.

Dems Fuming Over White House Plan To Make Vets Pay For Service Injuries


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If you are not capable of changing your views then you do no credit to yourself, your family or your country.


Outlander,  I wasn't going to reply - but this statement was sort of offensive.  You don't know me from a hole.  My point is I'm liberal and you won't get me to be conservative.  As far as you saying I am not a credit to my family, I think I'm a hell of a Dad.  As far as a my Country is concern, I spent many years in military and I am very proud American. 

Can we talk vending instead?  I think we would agree more in that department. 

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Kelly, Wrong, about the only thing Bush did that was good was to keep us from being attacked again.

Blueplate, That statement was not aimed at you personally but at people in general, guess I should have said "a person". I meant no offense to you or anyone else and I am sure you are a wonderful dad. After all it's our children that we go through all this pain for isn't it?

My point was that we all have to change our views at times based on new evidence, if not then we fail to acknowledge our mistakes and continue to follow the path to destruction.

At one time it was fact as they knew it that the world was flat, can you imagine if we still held to that view now?

I did not mean that anyone is not a credit to their family or country, but that no credit is done for those by being incapable to change ones view when presented with information that should precipitate a change.

I have no love for the republican or democratic parties as by proof of actions most politicians have proven themselves to be charlatans. They have proven that on both sides of the isle and if you flooded the congress you would be lucky to get a handful of honest ones wet.

Being an American and endowed with the freedoms that so many have fought and died to provide for us brings with it an onerous task and vigilance is ever the watchword. There are those within and without that would see us crumble.

Keep a watchful eye on both the hawk and the dove, as one will take it by force and the other by stealth.

Being ex-military, as I, I am sure you are aware of the history that has founded this great country and the history has has kept it together. It is our duty to work together to insure that the history of the future is a worthy read.

Semper Fi

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Contact your Representative today. You can find them Here:


Now pass this on !

Be it known to all Coloradans, That Jared Polis is a co-sponsor of this bill. Others are listed at the bottom.

HR 1388 Up For Vote Today! Call Your Representative!

I can't tell based on your posting if you are asking us to call our reps to tell the to vote yes, or no.
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  • 4 weeks later...

I would not deem to tell you how to vote. You need to be aware of what was being attempted with this bill in its original form, Mandatory Impressment of our young people, and what form it finally passed in. Read and understand both, know who voted to support the bill in its original form as they are again trying to insert the "Mandatory" back into the bill through amendments.

Then voice you decision to your representatives. I guess if you don't mind our young people being pressed into service, something that is totally against the Constitution, then you would support the bill.

There are many bills being introduced at all levels, local, state and federal that are taking your rights away. If you do not pay attention, they will be gone and you may never get them back.

Letting someone else watch your government is like letting someone else watch your money, few will have your best interest at heart.

Fred Bell

CO 2nd Congressional District Coordinator, Resistnet.com

If you have not already, please join your states Recall Group.

"When concerned with our freedoms, be ever vigilant, with one eye on the Hawk and the other on the Dove, as one will take it by force and the other by stealth."

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