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sticker machine mechanism problem

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A location called me tonight and said that kids are pushing in the coin mechs on a sticker machine and stickers are dispensing without putting in any quarters!! He put an out of order sign on it. I am going to check it out in the morning. Does any one have any ideas why the coin mech may be doing this?


Hmmm, glad the location called you. Maybe the kids managed to vandalize the machine by sticking something in and getting it caught so it would think it always had quarters?

Please keep us posted.


Hello Sterling:

I haven´t tried with the sticker machines, in fact, here in Mexico they are noy very common. Last month, my purveyor suggested I bought him one, but I prefered to buy some NW S80. In your experience, are sticker machines a good investment? How do they work? Would you recommend I buy some of them?

Thanks in advance, and have a nice day.





  The margins on stickers and tattoos is very high. They seem to do well for a lot of vendors here in the states. I'm not sure how much additional cost there is associated with having the products and machines shipped to Mexico but its definitely worth a shot. They can mount on a rack or a stand so they would go with what you already have. Good luck. keep us posted if you decide to get some.


I checked the location this morning. One column needed some adjusting to dispense the stickers, but it was not giving free stickers away. The mechs were working fine. I went to another location who said a machine was not working. It is a 2" capsule. I tried it twice, worked fine. I guess there wasn't product in the portion wheel one time. It is good my locations call me and are on top of problems. Just wondering what they thought was the problem since I niether one was there this morning.


I bought 2 machines from a guy off craigslist for $100 each. It says Sticker Mania on the labels on top not sure of the manufacturer. I think flat vending is a good investment. The product doesn't go bad and stickers can be bought for as low as .03 each, and vended for .50 to $1.25. The main deal is location and to get stickers that will sell in that particular place. Get the machines and product cheap enough and the right place it will be a good investment for sure.



The machine that my purveyor offered to me was a NW. That´s a good brand, but I didn´t bought it because I hadn´t seen them before. Its cost was $ 3200 pesos, that´s like $237 US dollars. The other reason because I didn´t buy it was because I think that if it fails it will be difficult to repair it, or to find its parts. What do you think? How is its mechanism?



The NW flat vendor would be a good machine. What makes the difference in these flat vendors is the way they load and what type of mech it has and the type of stand if it has one. The cabinets are basically heavy steel boxes with little difference between machines. Most every machine either has Greenwald or ESD mechs and both are excellent. This Northwestern should have Greenwald mechs. which is fine. I don't think you'll have any issue with this or any flat vendor. They are very reliable and simple machines. You could easily replace just one coin mech should it be necessary. It is very common for these machines to last 15 or even 20 years in service. The only problem I personally see with the Northwestern is not making 4 or 6 column machines. Two columns just doesn't give you or the customer much choice. Of course you could buy two and put on a double stand or a rack.



Thanks Nam. I´m not related with the sticker machines, so I would like to ask you what kind of machine is the one you would suggest I try, and why. Greenwald or ESD are machines or some particular kind of coin mechanisms?

I will really appreciate your point of view about this topic.


look up item number 250410284596 on ebay.I just got one from this guy and like it better then my 2 coulmn northwesterns sticker machine.this seller has good stuff and will probably ship it to mexico if you would ask him.it is 3 coulmn,still not like a 4 or 6 column but it is only a little bit wider then the northwestern.it is very heavy duty,thick metal on all sides.it also comes with a lock that you have to turn only a quarter of a turn to open it,very fast.


Thanks Nam. I´m not related with the sticker machines, so I would like to ask you what kind of machine is the one you would suggest I try, and why. Greenwald or ESD are machines or some particular kind of coin mechanisms?

I will really appreciate your point of view about this topic.

greenwald and esd are the brand of the coin mechanism.like northwestern is the brand of the machine.in italian the word  brand translates to "marca"it might be the same in spanish.
Finally I found the six column sticker machine, it costs $515 US dollars, and it´s cool. Here in Mexico I haven´t seen these kind of machines. In the future, as part of my vending experience, I will buy some of them.


In my opinion the most important part of the machine is the coin mech. This is what accepts the coins and pulls out the sleeve with the tattoo/sticker. I would suggest buying nothing that doesn't have Greenwald or ESD. Even with those if you bought old enough machines they no longer sell parts. Also alot of the newer mechs usually have 5 slots not 4 slots for coins. This will allow you to change price yourself so you can raise or lower your own price without having to buy new mechs. If the machines are going to be in use for many many years it is nice to have 5 coin slots for raising the prices in the future.

Alot of people in the US have like your High 5 but on the top is a sticker/tattoo machine. Here is a pic of a machine for sale right now on Ebay for $299 Buy it Now or Make an Offer. This one is pickup only but maybe there are some that would ship to you in Mexico. I'm fairly sure if you contact Greenwald and ESD they will have what you need to convert the mechs to accept pesos.


Posted Image



I want that thing, it looks so good :)

I wonder what the saran wrap is there for....are those super 60s? They look more like oak vista to me...



You can check out the ad posted on ebay listings here in the forum. Think it is listed under LA area.

How's the cleaning job coming on that auction rack?

Thank you for the kind words but I just showed you the auction. You were the one that had to drive to Des Moines and bid against the other guys and win it. Not me.



I posted in the tools section awhile back the directions on how to change the coin mechs. You may want to see if you can figure them out but it does not look too hard.

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