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Snackshop 7600 Dispensing Issues


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Hello all-


I am brand new to the vending industry and recently purchased a Snackshop 7600 at a local auction. After several days of messing with it, I feel as if i am either missing something or this machine must have some issues. I have been able to set prices on all of my items, check prices on all the items, make sure that the items that are selected will dispense if it is set to $0, will dispense change if it is manually set into the coin holder, and confirmed that the screens work properly, HOWEVER when i set the machine to the on position it will not accept any forms of money. It also does no read out any prices or selections. and is pretty much rendered useless unless i just want to give out free items to everyone in my office, Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


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By in the ON position do you mean with door closed it won't take money?  If you try this with the door open then you have to hold the door switch in to keep the machine in the vend mode.  Otherwise close the door and the machine will be in the vend mode.  If it still won't take coins then you have a coin mech issue.  If it rejects all coins then that could be a dirty coin path or a bad coin mech.  If it won't take bills then it may not see the coin tube levels which would also be a bad coin mech.

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To set it to ZERO:


Go inside to white keypad, hit set price option

Go to keypad in front of machine and use buttons 13 & 14 to set price up or down in 5cent increments. set to $0.00 for FREE Vend. 

You must have operational coin mech for your machine to work so you know, even if its set to $0.00 the machine nedds it to finish the connection loop . Holler if I can help!



Shawn 832-392-0206

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for quick reply guys. After some more troubleshooting it seems that my coin acceptor is going south. It occasionally does not accept quarters. we have attempted to tighten the refund hatch and this helps a little. Any other input? 

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