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Vendo 511. Re-load Priming .


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I bought a used Vendo 511 monster machine. Filled it up. It cools good but will not vend. 

The did my home work on loading it and making sure the cans are set right with the shims and switches. The display shows sold out. When I close the door all the way the display turns off. Open the door back up and the display comes back on and show SOLD OUT. I read something about priming the drink columns on the first fill. Is this true? If so how is it done ?

thanks for any help given.



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Your door switch is wired backwards because the sold out message should only show when the door is closed and the machine is in the vend mode.  Opening the door should put the machine in the service mode showing .00 or the vend price is all selections are the same price.  You may have a loose harness between the logic board and the display but your door switch is still working backwards.  

The sold out message means you don't have enough cans in any one column to signal the logic board that is has something to sell.  Put at least 3 layers of cans in each column.  Your priming of the columns can easily be performed by buying cans from every column until a can drops from each.  You can do it even easier by removing the motor cover and triggering each motor switch to vend until the cans drop.

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My second sentence was incorrect.  It should have read ..."showing None or any actual errors that are in memory."  The .00 or a price will show on the display in the vend mode when the door is closed if the machine isn't sold out.

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You were right.  The door switch was wired on the wrong pin. So now when the door is open the display goes out. When closed it shows sold out. I filled 4 of the bins. 

When I close the door and try to put money in it. The money just drops to the bottom where the change is. I can’t prime it. 

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