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Dixie Narco Coke 501T Help

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Hello everyone!

Now that the good people here have helped me identify my soda vending machine.

There are really only 3 problems with the machine,

1. You must push and hold the selection button after you insert the money for the machine to vend. Well you must hold it until both micro switches are pushed out by the cam.

2. The coin mech will only sometimes give change back in the event that you insert money and your selection is empty so you just want your money back. It always gives correct change back in the event that you inserted too much coin money but only sometimes if you insert too much paper money. I assume that i would have to replace or repair the coin mech.

3. The DIXIE NARCO Single Price Coke Machine Sequence Relay buzzes really loud once you insert the correct amount of money until the machine vends. Should I be worried about it or not?

I attached a picture of the relay.


ANY help will be greatly apricated! Thank you all! 

dn relay.png

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If all select buttons must be held down to vend ANY column then it might be a bad credit relay. Otherwise you have a bad motor cluster switch. Once enough money is inserted to meet the vend price you can't get you money back - you must buy something. This is called force vend and/or escrow to vend. If change isn't properly paid out then get the coin mech repaired. The sequencing relay can be replaced to make it quiet.

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No, not on a single price machine.  They all work the same way.  You can depress the c/r and get a refund of coins inserted only until the vend price is met, then a purchase must be made.

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