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Dixie Narco 440 cooling issues HELP!

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Hi all!

I’ve had a 440 for around 11 years now and it hasn’t skipped a beat but the last few months its been having some issues which hopefully someone might be able to help me with!

I live in Western Australia and these machines aren’t very well supported here sadly.

Around Xmas time the fridge started freezing the cans so I purchased the identical thermostat online and swapped it over. 

I then had no issues for around 2 months then the fridge went warm. I thought this might have been a power surge etc so I just reset the thermostat and the compressor kicked in and off it went. Now it seems to get warm every couple of days.

i had a vending tech come out and have a look and he just put it down to the age of the machine. 

Everything seems to work perfectly which is the funny thing. Gets cold quickly, thermostat kicks in and out as I sit at the spot for around an hour after the reset to make sure it’s all working.

I’m thinking about maybe buying another thermostat to see if mine is faulty? If anyone has any info it would be greatly appreciated as I don’t want this machine to go to waste! 




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Bad or incorrect thermostat.  It needs to have a folded end on the capillary tube that is stuffed into the brass tube on the right rear of the evaporator. Set it to 3 1/2 and you should be good.  Don't let the capillary tube touch any other metal to keep it from falsely operating.  Your vending tech is not savvy about this machine.  Age of the machine, riiiight.

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