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431 D Crane Food Vending Machine

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Hi Everyone...

I've been trying to figure out this issue I came across. I currently have food in my vending, but I noticed that my breakfast sandwiches contain cheese, and some of the cheeses looks a bit melted. I have been trying to figure out how to 1st. locate the thermostat, 2. how to lower the temp so it could get colder. I have followed the manual directions using the keypad, but it does nothing, does not allow to change the temperature. 

Please help1 thank you in advance for your feedback. 

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Posted (edited)

Umm, what is your temperature at now?  And don't sell food until you can get it to 35-42 degrees.  The 431 uses a temp sensor in the return air flow to the evaporator.  You could have a partially frozen evaporator.  The odd thing is that your machine is apparently not going out of service for high temperature so I wonder if the health control circuit is working?  The first things to do are to make sure the vend screen in the bottom of the cabinet door is clean and that the machine is at least 4" away from the wall for good air flow.  You might need to pull the condensing unit out and blow the condenser clean.  Many years of operation will clog it with dirt. After that basic work is done then use this troubleshooting guide to diagnose it.  https://www.dsvendinginc.com/images/pdf-manuals/431troubleshootingguide.pdf

Edited by AZVendor
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Everything seems to working fine... my current temp is 36, I just would like it to be set to 33or 34.

I just don't know how to change it.

Thank you for the link, I appreciate it. 

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Your cut out set point is fine then.  The normal on a Rowe cold food, for example, is 35 cut out and 42 cut in.  If you think your temp is going above 42 then you could have a bad temp sensor.

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