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another newbie question


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alright so I'm still in the middle of formulating a business/action plan to get into the biz.  I was just over at a local video store (potential prospect) and saw 2 machines side by side, one was just a standard seaga globe the other was a uturn 8 product style.  Both machines had charity affiliations from 2 different charities stuck on them and were both fully stocked (ie, not empty).

If I was approaching a location like this about sticking one of my own in there, what's the best way to go about it?

Some common objections I thought of so far that I could potentially get:

  • No room
  • Already have 2, why do I need a third
  • What's in it for me?
In my head so far:

Obviously I could get around all these by making room, showing the benefit to my charity of choice or offering a gift card or some other incentive.  I'm also thinking that I could just contact those owners of the machines myself and see if they want to just leave the business?  No way to even tell if the video store is a good location unless I try it out myself right?  And with 2 other machines there I can't get an "accurate" reading of how well my machine could do because I'd have to think of a product that the other 2 machines don't offer (9 there already).

What am I missing?

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Just a suggestion, but I find spending my time imagining "yes"es to be the most productive.  Certainly handling objections is a sales skill, but if I haven't gotten them, I don't worry about them. 


alright so I'm still in the middle of formulating a business/action plan to get into the biz.  I was just over at a local video store (potential prospect) and saw 2 machines side by side, one was just a standard seaga globe the other was a uturn 8 product style.  Both machines had charity affiliations from 2 different charities stuck on them and were both fully stocked (ie, not empty).

If I was approaching a location like this about sticking one of my own in there, what's the best way to go about it?

Some common objections I thought of so far that I could potentially get:

  • No room
  • Already have 2, why do I need a third
  • What's in it for me?
In my head so far:

Obviously I could get around all these by making room, showing the benefit to my charity of choice or offering a gift card or some other incentive.  I'm also thinking that I could just contact those owners of the machines myself and see if they want to just leave the business?  No way to even tell if the video store is a good location unless I try it out myself right?  And with 2 other machines there I can't get an "accurate" reading of how well my machine could do because I'd have to think of a product that the other 2 machines don't offer (9 there already).

What am I missing?

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Thanks :) Just trying to prepare for all angles I guess :)  I'm seeing that there's not much activity online (here or anywhere else) from vendors located in my area - safe to assume that there's a lot thats up for grabs?  I'm still just beginning to research and tryin to get as much as possible...

wrote: [/b]

Just a suggestion, but I find spending my time imagining "yes"es to be the most productive.  Certainly handling objections is a sales skill, but if I haven't gotten them, I don't worry about them. 


[user=209]akashdesai]alright so I'm still in the middle of formulating a business/action plan to get into the biz.  I was just over at a local video store (potential prospect) and saw 2 machines side by side, one was just a standard seaga globe the other was a uturn 8 product style.  Both machines had charity affiliations from 2 different charities stuck on them and were both fully stocked (ie, not empty).

If I was approaching a location like this about sticking one of my own in there, what's the best way to go about it?

Some common objections I thought of so far that I could potentially get:

  • No room
  • Already have 2, why do I need a third
  • What's in it for me?
In my head so far:

Obviously I could get around all these by making room, showing the benefit to my charity of choice or offering a gift card or some other incentive.  I'm also thinking that I could just contact those owners of the machines myself and see if they want to just leave the business?  No way to even tell if the video store is a good location unless I try it out myself right?  And with 2 other machines there I can't get an "accurate" reading of how well my machine could do because I'd have to think of a product that the other 2 machines don't offer (9 there already).

What am I missing?

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...What am I missing?

That there are already two machines in there not doing anything...
I think im missing the obvious still, but how would I know that they're not doing anything?:huh:
Drop by now and then.  You can see the results of traffic.  If they stay constantly full, they're not getting traffic.
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dont get too bogged down worrying about 1 stop. go down the road there will be 100's of others. i also might rethink wanting to bump the other vendors out at every location.

move on down the road to locate at a better stop. think positive not negative, besides if that stop were that great there would be a commision rack in there and all the charity machines would be out.

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dont get too bogged down worrying about 1 stop. go down the road there will be 100's of others. i also might rethink wanting to bump the other vendors out at every location.

move on down the road to locate at a better stop. think positive not negative, besides if that stop were that great there would be a commision rack in there and all the charity machines would be out.

Very true thank you. :) 
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   There is a unspoken rule that I live by ....  Which is  I won't place one of my machines where there   is one already there,   Meaning  I won't step on someone toes,   even thou  It's been done to me,   a few times but  lucky  me....  Iv'e had the machine remove by the owner/manager.   There 1000's of location that need a machine,  so get off your rump and find them,    You won't like to come in one day to service your route and find another machine from another vender next to yours stepping on your toes......   Peace to you and yours,  Tony .  Arton Vending

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   There is a unspoken rule that I live by ....  Which is  I won't place one of my machines where there   is one already there,   Meaning  I won't step on someone toes,   even thou  It's been done to me,   a few times but  lucky  me....  Iv'e had the machine remove by the owner/manager.   There 1000's of location that need a machine,  so get off your rump and find them,    You won't like to come in one day to service your route and find another machine from another vender next to yours stepping on your toes......   Peace to you and yours,  Tony .  Arton Vending

I don't have a problem with placing a machine that already has other machines in it.  But I will not do it if there are already gumballs in there.  If it's a U-turn or a triple, even if they have gumballs, I will still try to place one there.  What I will do is offer a premium flavor gumball, or sell at 2 for 1.

I have a chiropractor office that does really well.  I was the first one in there.  Then came a 4 select uturn.  The last time I was in there, there was another double.  I offer premium gumballs, so I still do pretty good.  I do about $15-$20 a month at that location.

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   There is a unspoken rule that I live by ....  Which is  I won't place one of my machines where there   is one already there,   Meaning  I won't step on someone toes,   even thou  It's been done to me,   a few times but  lucky  me....  Iv'e had the machine remove by the owner/manager.   There 1000's of location that need a machine,  so get off your rump and find them,    You won't like to come in one day to service your route and find another machine from another vender next to yours stepping on your toes......   Peace to you and yours,  Tony .  Arton Vending

I don't have a problem with placing a machine that already has other machines in it.  But I will not do it if there are already gumballs in there.  If it's a U-turn or a triple, even if they have gumballs, I will still try to place one there.  What I will do is offer a premium flavor gumball, or sell at 2 for 1.

I have a chiropractor office that does really well.  I was the first one in there.  Then came a 4 select uturn.  The last time I was in there, there was another double.  I offer premium gumballs, so I still do pretty good.  I do about $15-$20 a month at that location.

Its all about adapting to the environment. If you are the only vendor there then great! You have plenty of latitude when it comes to product selection. If someone else comes along they should know enough not to directly compete, product to product with what you have.

I don't mind placing a machine where there is already a vendor present. I just make sure I offer something different. 


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I will directly compete IF they have a machine that seems like it's lacking service. For example, if they have Skittles but are near empty, I'll put Skittles next to them. Oh, I also make sure I give more than the other machine.

Otherwise, I advoid selling the same stuff but do often sell better products or 2 for 1 gumballs as well.

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