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gumball price


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What is a BJ's? Is that like a wholesale store without memberships?

In California we have wholesale stores without yearly membership fees (Smart and Final) that offer PMM at 7.49 rather than Sam's at 7.36. With less than a handful of machines I prefer not to pay the yearly Sam's membership of ?.?? much.

They also have 5lb runts for 6.99 and 900 count gumballs for 21.99 (not so good I quess)

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BJs is like Sam's and Costco.  My next batch of gum balls I buy will not be Jelly Belly. Too expensive and the taste and longevity of the flavor when you chew is NOT exceptional IMO.

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Remember we had a discussion on one of the threads about how Jelly Belly Gum Balls was so much better than Double Bubble even though the price is more than double for it ?  It's amazing how much better Double Bubble is to me at $16 for 850!!   Posted Image 

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Our experience with double bubble was never very good. Chipping, fading, and a very hard gum base were causing complaints galore. We switched long ago to Ford gum. 15.70 a case delivered to our door. Oakleaf also offers a superior product I believe.


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caserri wrote:

850ct, 85 cs, pallet quantity...

MMMMM, I smell a "group buy"


Trouble is shipping will kill you. You'd have to have it sent to one place to get free shipping. Breaking the pallet down and shipping cases to different operators would make it way too expensive.

Vending is a business built on volume.


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Thanks for all the great information Chuck but 85 cases is just to much for me right now. I know there are some folks here that could handle those quanities. Maybe someday soon I will be there but for now I will have to stick with my current suppliers.

Shipping would kill it for sure.


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My next few machines are going to be gumballs right?  I could not find gumballs at Costco or 2 BJ's.

Sam's is too far away from me.  I didn't feel like driving 2 hours total for gumballs. I ordered them from TJ Kings for $15 and change plus shipping.

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My next few machines are going to be gumballs right?  I could not find gumballs at Costco or 2 BJ's.

Sam's is too far away from me.  I didn't feel like driving 2 hours total for gumballs. I ordered them from TJ Kings for $15 and change plus shipping.

What are you buying at TJKing?  I can't get 850c for less than $20 plus shipping.  So a box of gumballs costs me $30 from TJKing.

When I buy DB from Sams, I pay $15.86 plus tax for a total of $17.17.  I don't know why I have to pay tax on a food product, but I do.  go figure!

I have found that you can get Ford Carousel brand from http://www.quill.com for $18.99 a case if you get 3 or more.  And when you get 3 or more cases, you get free shipping.  The gum is as good as any of the concord or oak leaf varieties that I've tried.

So for me, to have gum shipped to my house, without having to go buy DB at Sam's, the ford gum from quill is the best deal.

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If they are charging you tax on a food item I would talk to a manager, because it's probably just the register not recognizing the fact.

When I was a register jockey at a nursery I had an old man that threw a fit when we charged him tax on a 99 cent tomatoe plant.

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I think it varies from state to state. I know when I lived in Tennessee, they charged tax on EVERYTHING. I have not lived there in 10+ years though so please don't quote me Guth! :D Here in Massachusetts, they don't charge tax on food or clothing. (Unless its prepared food, like at McDonald's.)


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