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Tell Me Another One...

West Coast Vend LLC

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While I am out trying to get new placements, I have heard some wild excuses from the people that I ask, to take a vending machine. I thought it would be interesting to start a list of excuses that you all have heard in your areas.

Here are just a few good ones that I have heard and will never forget.

1. I can't take a vending machine because someone will break my front window to steal it and my insurance will go up. (What?)

2. My boss said "no" because she has had a really bad experience with a vending machine. (Sorry to hear that?)

3. You don't want to put a machine in here. We have a bad bug problem. (Cancel that sandwich I just ordered!)

Let's hear some of the best excuses you have heard.


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1. I can't take a vending machine because someone will break my front window to steal it and my insurance will go up. (What?)

I've gotten this response more than once.  I've heard stories from location owners how they have had their windows broken to either take the machine, or that the window was broken by the machine when somebody picked it up and threw it through the window.  They said that the machine sitting right on the other side of the window was enough to prompt some thief to do a smash-and-grab to get the machine.
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4.  We had candy machines here once, but there are lots of kids and we got in trouble (:huh:)

5.  We had a coke machine here once, and they broke into it with crowbars. (Err, so?)

6.  We get a lot of kids in here, and they are really rough on the machines (The machines are designed for kids....)

I find the most amusing objections I get are when the store-owner doesn't actually know why they don't want it in there, or isn't comfortable telling me.

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I asked about placing a machine at a new womens only clothing store, and they had a slew of oddball concerns like:

We get wild kids in here that like to hang on the manikins and break them, so having a candy machine next to the manikins would make them do it more.

Her: We want to keep kids out of here.

Me: If customers bring their kids in the machine would help pacify them.

Her: We want to keep ALL kids out of here.

Me: The customers kids also? (At this point I was probably showing my disbelief)

Her: Refers back to kids hanging on manikins...

I could see this was going nowhere, so I said thanks for your time and left.

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