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T Bird Vending's First Deposit!


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I went to the bank yesterday and used Commerce Bank's change machine to add up the quarters from my first 4 pulls on Saturday.  I then deposited the $87.25 into our business checking account!!  Man oh man.  I felt just like a kid doin' that yesterday.

That change machine they have ( no charge to use it ) is gonna make life alot easier for Deb and I.  You just throw all the quarters in there and a ticket with an amount on it comes out. That sure beats any other way to do it.

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I am proud of you Johnny! You are off and running...

Hey, I have to check to see if there are Commerce Bank's in California. I need to find an easiler way to count all these quarters. The first two times where exciting but that's getting old! I would open an account there if thats what it takes.

Does anyone else use a bank that has a coin counter?


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I am proud of you Johnny! You are off and running...

Hey, I have to check to see if there are Commerce Bank's in California. I need to find an easiler way to count all these quarters. The first two times where exciting but that's getting old! I would open an account there if thats what it takes.

Does anyone else use a bank that has a coin counter?



I love money...don't we all?

I use TCF banks in MIchigan, free coin counting.  So I count for com on site, then convert it to cash at my bank.

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 Keep looking I found one up here in PA !  Although I do not like using the coin counter I like to count MY money myself .  I have used it once so far and felt like I was getting ripped off so have not used it since.

NO no no...I use the counter in my bank.  No charges.  Coinstar charges 8.9 cents per dollar, that's a rip off.

It's how they stay in business, but it's still a rip off.

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I used the one at the bank too it was free !  Although I thought I should be counting the money myself to make sure the machine was right !


I count on site, so I don't get that feeling.  So far, my count and thier's have only been off by the amount of Canadian coin in the mix.

I"m going back to Harrisburg next week, too bad you're in Pittsburg, I'd say you and yours could meet me for a gumball...

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  I am sure other vendors roll candian too .  Right?                                                                                                 


never had that problem

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I am proud of you Johnny! You are off and running...

Hey, I have to check to see if there are Commerce Bank's in California. I need to find an easiler way to count all these quarters. The first two times where exciting but that's getting old! I would open an account there if thats what it takes.

Does anyone else use a bank that has a coin counter?


In San Diego look for a CitiBank. They let you count the change with their machines for free, and you don't need an account with them to use it.
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  • 4 months later...

Commerce bank manager came to me at the quarter counting machine looked into my big bag and saw the words T Bird Vending on of the bags.  She told me I can't do my quarters on the machine if it is for my business.  Only personal coins that I save.  She says I have to pay the bank to count themn.  I told her but I have 2 checking accounts, one savings account, a safety deposit box, and a business bank account here.  She said she was sorry but that was the rule.  I was pissed at myself that I had my vending bags there with T Bird on them.  Oh well.  Where there is a will.......there is a way......;)

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T-Bird wrote, among other things...

"...She says I have to pay the bank to count them..."

He he,

Everybody wants a piece of the action, don't they?

I would have told her to eat my shorts.

No probably not, I probably would have asked her name, and said I would be transferring all my business out of their bank and to my new one in a few days. After that I will be talking with the banks CEO, and identifying her as the reason I will not be not using their bank in the future. All very calmly of course.

Then I would have asked are you sure you want to lose all my business?

I love it when they say "oh I'm sorry, but blah, blah, blah..."

I tell 'em "No you're not, but you will be, after I talk to your supervisor!

I usually get my way.


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If it were me I would look into another bank that was more business friendly and pull all of my money out. I would explain to one of the officers why I am closing all my accounts and not just tell the counter person. Do you have your accounts there because of the coin counting machines? None of our banks here offer that service so I just roll my own quarters. I got a set of those tubes for counting coins. I just dump them in the tube and when it is full slide in a roller paper. My bank give me the rollers for free. I know you do collect a lot of coin but this may be an option. My bank is very business friendly and they have a seperate line for business customers only.

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I use Commerce Bank too. I use it for my regular checking and my Business acct. I have never had any problems with using the coin machine for my quarters. I usually cash in $250 or more each time and I always have them in a money bag for coins. Then I take the receipt to the teller and deposit it into my business acct which has vending in the title so they have to know. We have 4 Commerce banks close by so i usually try to mix it up a little. I really dont wanna have to wrap them myself! haha

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We use Commerce as well. The coin machine is a bit corny as its geared for children. Embarrassing to use with its little girls voice cheering me on as I deposit the money into it. "Ooo, you sure saved alot of coins!" :-) Also I am not sure it is completely accurate in its counts. I am still testing that theory. I would suggest hand counting them and going to the bank and running them through to see if it is counting accurately. Do it a few different times on different days to see if its consistent.

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LOL! I wish I could see/hear that. My fuddy-duddy Bank of America just takes my bags of loose quarters dumps them  into an industrial strenght counting machine and brings me an accounting slip- the deposit is made automatically.




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