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Tomy Gacha


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Has anyone had any experience with this type machine? I have passed up a few ebay chances on buying this machine, but it looks like it could potentially be pretty profitable.

4 $1 capsule vends.. depending on what and where you vend i'm sure that could make some money

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I have about 60 of them.  I use .75 vends in them.  They are nice machines and will often out  sell a rack.  But the tomy product does not sell very well.  you need to use more main stream products,

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I have about 60 of them.  I use .75 vends in them.  They are nice machines and will often out  sell a rack.  But the tomy product does not sell very well.  you need to use more main stream products,

what products do you typically use?  (i'm not sure if youre allowed to post websites here, but if not then please PM me some.. I know of a few from the internet, A&A global industries looks most promising) I could imagine certain figures having relative success.

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Did you get the letter from Ford Gum about the three Gacha product lines now available??

A very lame World Cup mix, just in time for it to be over. A Hello Kitty Sports Danglers mix and Mario Wii Enemy Danglers. If you order by July 15th, you get to pay the low low price of $64 bucks per 200!!! Order later and the price is $67...

With shipping (assume 15%) and sales tax one would be running over a 40% cost of goods sold for dollar vends - if one were dumb enough to buy it as a straight mix.

What a disappointment...I will now refer to this company as the Fraud Gum and Machine Co.


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