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Routes Disappearing?


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This pertains to both Bulk and Full line, Didn't know if I could post the same post in both sections, so I posted it here.

For as long as I have been on craigs list searching for routes or a machine on location within Southern Indiana, Northern KY, South eastern IL and  South western oh,  I would find at least 3-5 new postings every 3-4days.

For the last 2 1/2 months the only routes I find in those areas are the spammers wanting you to get into their biz op.  (multiple ads, but same picture and same number)  The only other one is a 5 stop route that "does about 1500 gross a month"  and they are wanting $44,000 for it.

Is or are there new companies that are buying up all these routes and selling them through a website or something?

Now, the only time I find a route, based on the seller's stated income, it would take about 3 /12 to 4 YEARS not months, to get my ROI.  Which IMO is too long to get my ROI and I feel are way over priced Unless they are like Antonio's Frozen machine which is brand spankin new.  These over priced routes IMO contain nothing but Antares machines  or they look worse than my $150 machine.

If I manage to run across a bulk route, its mainly made up of vendstars and it averages out to 2-250 per machine.

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Is or are there new companies that are buying up all these routes and selling them through a website or something?

I was wondering that myself.

I kept coming across routes and machines for sale by the same person. I did a little digging and I found that this person works for a business brokerage firm.

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I have found these do go in cycles of 8 months to a year, not sure why.  But I think also with unemployment so high - some people might be suffering through routes they just may not like or they can't handle to make SOME income.  IF my theory is correct there might be an opportunity to pick up locations based on routes not run well.

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Good routes are rarely sold in full line until the peson dies or retires.  And then you don't see  them advertised on Craigs list.  You might see a weak portion of a route for sale to pay for a unexpected cost or tax bill.  Full line operators know each other and when something is available they normally call an exisiting company.  If they go outside the network of operators it is because it is weak and not attractive to existing companies. That doesn't mean it wouldn't have value to a newbie with no overhead and who is full of energy to work it back to life again.

The mention of $2 to $2.50 on bulk doesn't surprise me.  The vendors I have known personally that does bulk tells me they keep any machine that does $5 a month on a tripple.  When I say any machine I mean single double or tripple head. The vendors I knew had from 500 to 2000 machines on their routes.

Blue Moose

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On the Bulk portion of my OP,  I guess I should have worded it differently.

The bulk routes I find on Craigs list that are for sale are made up of Vendstar machines on location,  the price of the route ends up averaging out to about $200-$250 (hundred) per machine.

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