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Vendstar Keys


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I just purchased a few Vendstar machines on location and would like to change out the locks on the machines. From what I have read, most locks on these machines are the same or they use the same keys on the top? What is the best place to get new locks/keys without spending too much. Thanks for the help!

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I have the keys for the machines, but basically I am trying to find a way to prevent the seller from having access to the machines now that I am the owner (like if he kept a set of keys), since he knows where the locations/machines are. From what I've read, it seems that almost anyone with a vendstar key could access any vendstar machine because there is only a few different locks on the machines. I am trying to figure out if it would be better to just replace the locks, or replace the machines. Thanks!

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I wouldnt worry about the past owner too much! Talk with the location owners and let them know you are the only one authorized to open them, if he or anyone for that matter wanted into them a flat blade screwdriver and a firm twist is all it takes.

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I agree with will.vend.  I have sold hundreds of these on Ebay, and I always keep a copy of any new rear lock key I come across.  This has helped me three times, in purchasing machines without keys.  I have 12 unique keys that I take with me and it has paid off well.  They probably have used a considerable number of locks over the years, but they buy them by the gross,so there will be machines out there with the same rear locks everywhere.  The machine is exceptionally easy to steal or break into, like most other brands of bulk machines.  Just go ahead and put it out on the route as is.  No reason to add expense to your purchase.  If you happen to buy another one down the line,  just switch out the entire rear panel if it will ease your mind.

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I ended up switching the Vendstars out with Northwesterns I had. I was concerned because the previous owner has full line machines in the locations still and the bulk machines are right next to them. They are also high producing locations and it would suck to lose that money.

The other questions is, I have more than 1 machine and only 1 set of keys. Any way to buy more of the same keys? Im thinking I can get copies made of the lid key but what to do about the back key?

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