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Double Supreme Brand?


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Nick, Those look like import machines. The mechanisms are a joke. The plastic bodies could give you problems down the road as well.

However for 40.00, I would buy them as first machines. Get a few more and get them located to see if you really like bulk vending.

I wouldn't want a fleet of them though.

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Nick, Those look like import machines. The mechanisms are a joke. The plastic bodies could give you problems down the road as well.

However for 40.00, I would buy them as first machines. Get a few more and get them located to see if you really like bulk vending.

I wouldn't want a fleet of them though.

Although I agree that the mechs are not the highest quality, I probably have 45 or so of these machines, and they have worked well so far. The mechs in these machines are available on ebay and from LYPC. This machine model is the same as LYPC, SSF, VLINE, Vendmasters, Tpico, etc. I have never paid more than $25 for any of them, but if they look new, or are new, go for it. These work very well for toys and gum, but you won't want to fill them more than 1/3 to 1/2 for most candy locations because they hold a large volume in each head. I have a location that empties this machine every three weeks, and it takes 2/3 of a box of 850 count and almost 3 bags of PMM to fill.

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Thanks for the info! When I went to go look at them the triple seemed of worse quality than a vendstar!

The double was actually decent (2 oaks) but they were missing the chute doors. Im not sure how the coin-Mechs are supposed to be on oak's but it seemed really loose and it turned quite a bit with no quarter in it. The stand was somewhat scratched so I offered 40 and he wouldn't budge. I decided to pass on it, and now I am wishing that I bought it but he has sold it!

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you would be suprise how good theese machines could turn out to be if you could get them used for the rite price you could get a reel bang for your buck and the parts are not hard to find.

I agree wholeheartedly. Sorry for going off topic somewhat. There is enough used equipment and failed vendors out there, that new bulk equipment should be significantly cheaper than it is to compete. Most of the used equipment I see every week is in good shape, and there are not enpugh people buying it for most sellers to keep the price high for long, unless they are looking for the next sucker. If you can buy your used equipment for 10-15% of MSRP and refurb it if necessary, you can be out the door for 25-35 bucks all day long. Most locations will pay this back in net income in two months or less if they are average to good locations. Even if the spot is a dud, you can get back your investment on the machine in less than a year. New equipment looks beautiful, but it can take a big bite out of your annual net income. Different areas of the country are going to have different price points on used equipment depending on the supply available, so you may have to pay slightly more, or less, but be patient and the good deals always seem to come around.

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I'm just speaking from my experience. I have 2 that I bought from Sams for $40 each that came with a box of gumballs and a stand. I've already put a Beaver mech in 1 of them and the other is starting to jam. Your mileage may very.

On the other hand I picked up 2 NW Super 60's that are route ready and an Eagle with a cast iron pipe stand yesterday for $96 with capsule wheels and brushes. So like Jeremy said just be patient and you'll find some good deals.

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