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Sacrificing a Machine for hope


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I have had a couple of locations that was real slow and I knew it would not be long before they shut the doors but left the machines to get all the quarters they could and also in the hopes that when they shut down they would leave the machine and the next tenant would keep it. I know alot of you would probably say you wouldn't want to risk your equipment but this has worked out to my advantage now 2 out of 3 times so far. And the new locations are better then the old. The latest case happened today when I rode by to check a restaurant that had closed down a couple of months ago and to my surprise a very popular restaurant had relocated and the owner kept the machine. After I introduced my self he said that must be it right there. He asked me if I wanted to keep it in there, I said absolutely. This was a charity location and he asked what the split was, told him it depending on what I could vend, he let me know he didnt want any toys and that he wanted to stick with the triple candy machine so I told him I could pay 20% and he said that was fine. I will build up rapport over time and pitch a toy rack again down the line. I would not risk a rack but I think I will keep rolling the dice with them singles, doubles, triples.

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You are paying 20% from a tripple? How much are you grossing per month.

Maybe one day I will do commission. But for right now, I cannot see it. Some people say if you do not pay commission then someone will replace you.

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