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Couple Q's before I buy my first machine.


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Yes, I plan to put all the money back into getting more machines and locations, I am not sure how long it'll take but hopefully not too long. Someone had told me it's slow going at first but it picks up after you have more machines. I am not sure how many machines i'll need before I can do it, but i'd like to be able to make enough to buy a new head or double every month to keep growing. I know it won't work with one head, but hopefully I don't need a 100 before I can do that.

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Well I got a stand in the mail today(I ordered this one seperate from my main order), The base is a lot heavier than I imagine it would, I tried to screw the pole all the way into the base but there's still thread exposed, but I can't get it to budge much tighter. I have the double bracket and 2 nuts and 2 bolts. I put it all together, but it looks empty with no machines on it! lol :)

I really dig the silver vein look btw, looks very presentable and professional imo.

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Well I got a stand in the mail today(I ordered this one seperate from my main order), The base is a lot heavier than I imagine it would, I tried to screw the pole all the way into the base but there's still thread exposed, but I can't get it to budge much tighter. I have the double bracket and 2 nuts and 2 bolts. I put it all together, but it looks empty with no machines on it! lol :)

I really dig the silver vein look btw, looks very presentable and professional imo.

before you tighten it up to much wait and see if you need to assemble it on location. sometimes the stand transports better not screwed together, you will be able to torque it down when you get there. also, the exposed threads are normal

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Well I got the rest of the order today! I really like the look of these machines, I bought 2 packs of bouncy balls too. The one problem I am having though is one .25 mech works smooth and the other jams and doesn't matter if it's new or old quarter. In fact I put the same quarter through several times and sometimes it would jam and other times it wouldn't. when it would jam i'd have to jiggle it pretty rough before i'd hear the quarter drop and the ball dispense. The one with the good mech I am going to prep for getting placed but the other one I don't trust being out there.

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Well the other one started jamming now too. hmmm hopefully aa has a return policy for the mechs, I think I am going to go with beaver next time, I am a bit disappointed, these mechs are too unreliable for me to place. The machines look nice, but it's worthless if it won't accept quarters or makes it a struggle every third purchase or so.

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hmmm that's seemed to help, I will keep feeding it quarters and see what happens, but so far so good.

BTW is there a way to reset the ezcounter? I have racked up some vends from testing it, I want it reset to 0 when I place it.

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hmmm that's seemed to help, I will keep feeding it quarters and see what happens, but so far so good.

BTW is there a way to reset the ezcounter? I have racked up some vends from testing it, I want it reset to 0 when I place it.

I think that's a permanent counter, and it can't be reset. You are going to be writing the count down when you service every time anyway, so it's just one more. If you are paying commission, you're going to show the owner everytime you visit anyway. I would write the count on an index card and leave it in the machine between every service.

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Ok I will just vend to an even number to make it easier for me. They came set up for bouncy balls but how do I get it set up for gumballs? I have 4 extra wheels 2-Capsule and 2-Candy, and 2 metal rings with 4 springs on them. The ones in the machine are thicker springs and the extra ones have thinner springs I am guessing for candy?

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If they came set up for 27mm bouncy balls here is what you need to do. See if there is a round piece underneath your wheel that is in the machine. If there is it is a riser.

You can do gumballs 2 ways.

1) Rocket wheel(sometimes called a gumball wheel) with hard spring brush on top(The piece with 4 springs). No riser

2) Capsule wheel with riser underneath. Hard spring brush.

The soft spring brush is used for 1.1" capsules.

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Sadly no, I have a few issues to handle first.

The place I was going too donate to, never got back to me so F em. I have a local sports league I am running, I am going to try and see if businesses will allow me to put some in for that.

AA I won't deal with again. I was going to order some stuff(1inch capsules) and told a lady to forget it and a few days ago, it's on my doorstep ARGGGHH!!! I called because they caused my account to over draft and a guy took my # and says he'll ask around and call back, which is not what I asked for. I don't care who screwed the pooch, just take this stuff back!

That's shady behavior IMO as I clearly stated I don't want any of this, and I could give a damn who messed up. so they will not receive business from me again.

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Sounds like you're in quite a tight situation. Work on covering basic expenses before working on investing money into a business. Businesses take a lot of money to start, and the #1 reason for failure is underfinancing.

You don't want to be the guy that can't afford product for your machines, or the gas to service them.

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Sadly no, I have a few issues to handle first.

The place I was going too donate to, never got back to me so F em. I have a local sports league I am running, I am going to try and see if businesses will allow me to put some in for that.

AA I won't deal with again. I was going to order some stuff(1inch capsules) and told a lady to forget it and a few days ago, it's on my doorstep ARGGGHH!!! I called because they caused my account to over draft and a guy took my # and says he'll ask around and call back, which is not what I asked for. I don't care who screwed the pooch, just take this stuff back!

That's shady behavior IMO as I clearly stated I don't want any of this, and I could give a damn who messed up. so they will not receive business from me again.

A&A is usually very good about their orders. I know that your CC number is stored in their system, and that it is electronically charged when they enter an order. As with any accidental charge to your card, you may have to wait up to 10 days for a refund to be credited to your account. Even if it is processed on the same day that the charge was. I am certain that cancelling an order right after they type it up, or even a few minutes later is quite uncommon for them. Accidents happen and you should give them a second chance in my opinion. I am sure they'll issue a call tag for their product and refund your money. You can also dispute the charge with your bank if you feel you can't get satisfaction from the merchant. I think you meant it caused your account to be overdrawn as opposed to an over draft. You may want to consider having a savings account tied to the account to prevent that in the future. The money kept in the account will draft automatically (usually for a couple of bucks per instance) to prevent an NSF charge. Your bank is also likely to forgive 1 or 2 charges over a 12 month period as long as it isn't a habitual problem. Just my 2 cents. I don't know your life situation, but I agree with Profits, and the above is only my suggestion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ahhhh, locating!

I was talking to a friend of mine and he said to bring my little sister when I try locating and my odds will probably be better grin.gif

When you're 30 seconds into your pitch, have your little sister come into the store while you're showing off the products and say "OMG! I LOVE THOSE TOYS! OMFG! WHERE CAN I BUY THEM?!?"

Or if you really want to make a splash... have an entire team of 5 year olds come in and go crazy for the toys... you gotta make it seem realistic, though.

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When you're 30 seconds into your pitch, have your little sister come into the store while you're showing off the products and say "OMG! I LOVE THOSE TOYS! OMFG! WHERE CAN I BUY THEM?!?"

Or if you really want to make a splash... have an entire team of 5 year olds come in and go crazy for the toys... you gotta make it seem realistic, though.

HaHaHaHa Yeah, that would probably work. :D

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Well the other one started jamming now too. hmmm hopefully aa has a return policy for the mechs, I think I am going to go with beaver next time, I am a bit disappointed, these mechs are too unreliable for me to place. The machines look nice, but it's worthless if it won't accept quarters or makes it a struggle every third purchase or so.

Buy Northwesterns from Sams club the next time.

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