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Couple Q's before I buy my first machine.


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I have been looking at craiglist frequently for the past week and a half with not much good deals. I don't want to wait forever so I am going to buy new and suffer waiting longer for a return.

I looked at gumball.com and see they have the A&A PM Elite double heads for $220 + shipping. I am wondering first if

gumball is a reputable dealer or if they are a hassle to deal with. Any opinions on the quality of A&A in general would be helpful as well.

Also I see options on the manufacture site like coin counter, cash drawer, ect. Can you buy the machines stock and mod them(easily) with these things at a later date or do you have to buy it out of the box with these options or be forced to buy a new machine with the options.

Also I like the policy that first choice locators have but wondering if anyone here has experience with them? I've heard a little about them somewhere on these forums, but the name doesn't pop up as much as KS & EB.

I plan to just buy 1 double head for now, have it at home for a little bit to learn how to work on it and adjust everything(so I am not bumbling with it if there's a service/repair call hehe) and wait for a location to pop up.

Also anyone from Michigan can help, I am going to get a DBA and wondering if I can just fill out a 1099 type of deal or do I have to get permits, insurance, and the whole sha bang? Also can you write off your donations at the end of the year like when you donate a car or to veterans hall, etc?

Sorry for all of the questions! I am just getting ready to do this and sttill a little fuzzy on some o f the details.

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I have been looking at craiglist frequently for the past week and a half with not much good deals. I don't want to wait forever so I am going to buy new and suffer waiting longer for a return.

I looked at gumball.com and see they have the A&A PM Elite double heads for $220 + shipping. I am wondering first if

gumball is a reputable dealer or if they are a hassle to deal with. Any opinions on the quality of A&A in general would be helpful as well.

Also I see options on the manufacture site like coin counter, cash drawer, ect. Can you buy the machines stock and mod them(easily) with these things at a later date or do you have to buy it out of the box with these options or be forced to buy a new machine with the options.

Also I like the policy that first choice locators have but wondering if anyone here has experience with them? I've heard a little about them somewhere on these forums, but the name doesn't pop up as much as KS & EB.

I plan to just buy 1 double head for now, have it at home for a little bit to learn how to work on it and adjust everything(so I am not bumbling with it if there's a service/repair call hehe) and wait for a location to pop up.

Also anyone from Michigan can help, I am going to get a DBA and wondering if I can just fill out a 1099 type of deal or do I have to get permits, insurance, and the whole sha bang? Also can you write off your donations at the end of the year like when you donate a car or to veterans hall, etc?

Sorry for all of the questions! I am just getting ready to do this and sttill a little fuzzy on some o f the details.

If you are still unsure of whethor or not you want to do this biz as a long term thing, keep looking on craigslist.

Gumball.com is a reseller, so if you like the A&A machine buy it direct from A&A. Everything I have purchased from A&A has come on time and in good condition.

Coin counters and cash drawers aren't worth it if you are just starting out. You can buy them down the road if you want. Stick to the basics. I don't know about 1st choice, but Ed and Rob do a good job for me.

Your questions are all valid, but you should try searching on the forum for more info. I am in Florida, and our state is likely to have different requirements, along with different counties, cities, and towns. There is a thread on here that lists info by state, I think it's under regulatory affairs.

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If you are still unsure of whethor or not you want to do this biz as a long term thing, keep looking on craigslist.

Gumball.com is a reseller, so if you like the A&A machine buy it direct from A&A. Everything I have purchased from A&A has come on time and in good condition.

Coin counters and cash drawers aren't worth it if you are just starting out. You can buy them down the road if you want. Stick to the basics. I don't know about 1st choice, but Ed and Rob do a good job for me.

Your questions are all valid, but you should try searching on the forum for more info. I am in Florida, and our state is likely to have different requirements, along with different counties, cities, and towns. There is a thread on here that lists info by state, I think it's under regulatory affairs.

this is good information...like jeremy said I would buy direct from a&a. you need to decide what type globe you want and if you want candy wheels or gumball wheels etc...but here's what I suggest you order, buy the po89 model with the 300 globe, get one machine with candy wheel and the other machine with a capsule wheel and a riser. the riser works with capsule wheel so you can vend gum, if you ever decide to vend toys then simply remove the riser. I suggest the 300 globe because it's small and it wont cost you alot to fill up. good luck and let us know what you decide to buy
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I talked to A&A and they are out of PO89's for 4 weeks I believe. I am going to order a single head PM Elite with small plastic globe and stand and talk to this auto shop down the street from me and if they say no, i'll try some other places out and if I can't get anything I'll use a locator and hope for the best.

I can't find regulatory affairs, I searched for it, but it just references this thread heh.

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I was going to go with the PO89's for the price and it seems a lot of others do too. The lady I spoke with the other day

said they sell like hot cakes.

I decide to buy the PM elites, I figure they don't cost a heck of a lot more and it'll look a bit more professional.Also I know a few guys told me I could do this I am still a bit confused. I am going to order a double head setup and get the capsule wheel, brush, and riser to be able to do gumballs and capsules. I am still not 100% what to do If I want to switch it from gumball to candy. Do I just pull those parts out and it's good for candy or is there more to it than that?I am going to start with gumballs, but want to be ready if I am ever asked to do candy and it seems worth it. I plan to order from AA tomorrow and then learn how the machines work and(like switching from capsule/gum to candy, how to collect coins, etc) and then take a stab at getting a location and then play the waiting game and see what happens.

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well I bought 2 PM Elites today with the bracket and silver vein stand. I bought the capsule, rocket, & candy wheel, risers, for each one so I can do gumballs, candy, or capsules depending on the location plus I want to learn to how swap wheels and mess with the machines so I know how to use them. I also got the coin counter and cash box for em. Probably a little frivolous for what I need, but I figure I can still keep looking for deals with multiple machines for the same or cheaper. I think in all it was $261 but it's worth it imo when I buy more machines i'll have spare wheels to use on them already. It'll take about a week before they get shipped out. I'll take pics when I get them in the mail.

I am pretty excited this, I just need to think of some places to to put it. It seems Mexican restaurants sell good based on reviews i've heard. I am keeping my eyes peeled for new opening businesses. There's a little strip mall deal here but there's only 1 store in it so far, If I notice anything new pop up, I will ask about placing a machine there. I also have a buddy in class(I go to community college atm) that works at a mechanic shop. I am not sure how well it would do there though.

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well I bought 2 PM Elites today with the bracket and silver vein stand. I

Definitely fun. You will be more excited while awaiting that first pull. I have my first location pull this Friday. I'm waiting on A&A to get more PN95 into the CA office so I can buy a couple. I was going to get used Northwestern 60 or PN95, but the used prices are so close to new. Especially when I factor in replacing the coin mechs and wheels. There are very few .50 / 1" capsule wheel machines used. I'm curious how long your machine will take to arrive. A&A is really good about sending parts quick.

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Yes! I can't wait to see my first pull. I am sure it won't be a whole lot, but it'll still be cool.

I am still undecided on a locator to use, but hopefully whoever it is can get me a decent spot so I can reinvest and get more machines.

I just hope I don't get anything but dud location after dud location and can find something decent enough to be able to reinvest in more machines. *fingers crossed*

Also about the wait, I believe it will ship in a week because I asked for custom paint(white) and all of the upgrades. I also ordered two 50c mechs(they will be stock 25c) just in case, i'll be ready to upgrade.

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Yes! I can't wait to see my first pull. I am sure it won't be a whole lot, but it'll still be cool.

I am still undecided on a locator to use, but hopefully whoever it is can get me a decent spot so I can reinvest and get more machines.

I just hope I don't get anything but dud location after dud location and can find something decent enough to be able to reinvest in more machines. *fingers crossed*

Also about the wait, I believe it will ship in a week because I asked for custom paint(white) and all of the upgrades. I also ordered two 50c mechs(they will be stock 25c) just in case, i'll be ready to upgrade.

sounds exciting dude! keep us posted...where are you going to get your product?
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The Beavers look nice, but a bit out of my price range for time being, I found a deal locally on one, but the guy never answered or called back(typical craigslist shenanigans locally at least).

Also I was wondering if I should I should split my heads and go for two locations or keep as a double head and go for 1 location. What do you guys think?

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Hmmm, I may order another stand from A&A and try to get 2 locations instead then, I guess I could always make them doubles later if they're busy enough. hopefully they'll make enough to purchase more heads on their own. That's the plan anyway.

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If I were starting over ,I would start with single gumball locations.

I have found a lot of places, that I don't wan't to just throw in the towel on, that don't earn that great that i would be willing to move backwards on to a single, but out of curiosity Hill, are you going to be doing singles after you get your refurbs out?

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Jeremy, I have 5 single gumball spots. In fact, a couple of my best spots are just single gumball machines on a pipe stand.

I know they won't support more than 1 machine so I am happy with just the one. Plus it makes them easier than rice pudding to service. Just in and out quick. I'll take all of them I can get. They normally pay for themselves in about 3-4 months. Equipment wise anyways, considering $30 for a machine and $10-$15 for a stand. Sometimes a lot sooner.

I just put one in a busy trucking shop that has a full line and 2 soda machine that are serviced 3 times a week. I kind of figured candy was a waste of time. Here is what I have in it: NWS60RD58 $26.53 Antique Stand $12.50 Rocket 0.25 Red

It is down approximately 1/3 as of this morning. It was placed on 3/3. So, having $39.03 in it, it will pay for itself probably in the 1st month.

Remember it just takes one junkie to make a good spot.

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Here is what I have in it: NWS60RD58 $26.53 Antique Stand $12.50 Rocket 0.25 Red

Is that NWS60RD58 a Northwestern Super 60? Did you get that off of Craigslist? I cannot find anything near here for prices like that.

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No problem guys, your discussions help me learn more so don't worry about hijacking my thread. :)

I am going to have to wait a few weeks before I have KS start searching for me. It's going to take about 2 weeks for the chairty I am supporting to get all of their paper work and stickers sent to me. and I still don't have my A&A machines yet anyway, so hopefully in the next couple of weeks i'll be ready to roll.

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No problem guys, your discussions help me learn more so don't worry about hijacking my thread. :)

I am going to have to wait a few weeks before I have KS start searching for me. It's going to take about 2 weeks for the chairty I am supporting to get all of their paper work and stickers sent to me. and I still don't have my A&A machines yet anyway, so hopefully in the next couple of weeks i'll be ready to roll.

Have fun getting ready. I jumped the gun and got my paperwork the day I was to place my first location. But I didn't get the coin mech that I needed. I used a .25 mech for .50 capsules just to have something to setup. Lucky for me I got denied...ahem...I guess that was really unlucky. But I got smarter the next time and had something setup first. I'll be interested to hear how you like the A&A machines.

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Have fun getting ready. I jumped the gun and got my paperwork the day I was to place my first location. But I didn't get the coin mech that I needed. I used a .25 mech for .50 capsules just to have something to setup. Lucky for me I got denied...ahem...I guess that was really unlucky. But I got smarter the next time and had something setup first. I'll be interested to hear how you like the A&A machines.

Will do, I talked to AA today to get an ETA and they said I should have it Friday/Saturday which is cool because I don't have classes on those days so I'll have time to tinker with them, and i'll just have to wait for the charity to get their paperwork done and send me some stickers and i'll call KS and tell them to start locating and pray that I get a decent spot so I can pay this investment off. *fingers crossed*

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