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SPAM Alert!


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We are experiencing another round of spam attacks here at TVF. It has been quite some time since our last attack. We've had 14 new members join us in the last 24 hours, which is unheard of. 2 of them have already spammed the classified section and have been deleted.

If anyone notices any garbage being posted, please report it so I can take care of it. There is a report button on each post and another report button in each member profile.

Your help to keep our community litter free is appreciated!

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If anyone notices any garbage being posted, please report it so I can take care of it. There is a report button on each post and another report button in each member profile.

But, half of us post nothing but garbage here.

How are we to tell the good garbage from the bad garbage?

Maybe I'll just refrain from posting for the next few days to avoid confusing anyone.


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I knew someone would respond like that! I would have put money on will.vend though. grin.gif

I've tightened up the registration process a bit in an effort to stop these golphers at the door and so far it seems to be working. I won't go into details but I will say the system is booting about 10 new registrations every hour! This wave of attacks is far worse than the last. Luckily, the ones that do make it through are only going after the classified section and not the main board... yet.

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Just out of curiosity, are these more less "bots" or are they actual dumb golpher humans that have nothing better to do than to mess up a forum?

if its humanoids, do they get paid to do this crap? or is their mind somewhat twisted and they are seriously mentally handicapped and immature and have nothing better to do?

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Well I would assume they are bots. The only thing I did was require email validation and so far, none of them have validated their account through their email.

If they start to validate then I'll take it to the next step.

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