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Huge Screw Up and Question


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So, I started in the vending business about 8 months ago and everything has gone great. But, today I went into an account to fill one of my better machines and I was approached by the office manager. She presented to me a snickers bar that had been chewed into by what looks to be a mouse. Quite possibly the most embarrassing that has ever happened to me and was completely unacceptable. Luckily she was discrete and understanding about the incident.

I have been storing my snacks in cardboard boxes but today I went out and got a few sealable plastic boxes. I was wondering how you guys store and transport your snacks from your truck or car into the location? The plastic boxes are just a bit to bulky to carry and a little to flimsy to be put on a hand truck.

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So, I started in the vending business about 8 months ago and everything has gone great. But, today I went into an account to fill one of my better machines and I was approached by the office manager. She presented to me a snickers bar that had been chewed into by what looks to be a mouse. Quite possibly the most embarrassing that has ever happened to me and was completely unacceptable. Luckily she was discrete and understanding about the incident.

I have been storing my snacks in cardboard boxes but today I went out and got a few sealable plastic boxes. I was wondering how you guys store and transport your snacks from your truck or car into the location? The plastic boxes are just a bit to bulky to carry and a little to flimsy to be put on a hand truck.

Not a big deal as long as you handle it properly. Its part of being in vending. First you need to inspect your product in the machines to make sure its all out. Then check and make sure it is not getting in the machine. You can tell this is happening if you find little pieces of chewed up packaging in product columns.

For storage at home I used to use ice chests foe small stuff and larger items were kept on a shelf in laundry room until they were needed.

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My guess is that maybe it happen in the machine and not while in storage. EVERY vending company has had this happen or it will happen. First thing is explain all packages are inspected while being loaded for quality issues. Second ask them if they have a exterminator contract. Explain to them that their is NO WAY to seal the machines tight enough to keep out mice. Tell them if they dont have a exterminator monthly contract that you will be glad to use some non poison option around the machine. Tell them that you can spray under and around the machine with a Cayenne pepper and water solution that usually keeps them away.

Usually the point of entry is the cord plug area. Use steel wool to fill the hole. Then spray Cayenne pepper around the machine and around and on the legs.

I had this happen at one of my hotel accounts and lost over 50 items. They had a party in my machine. I handled it exactly like I have explained and now all is fine and no mice.

If you suspect it happen in storage then take measures to stop at that point. Be sure you inspect EVERY item in the machine the candy bar came out of to make sure no other products are damaged.

EDIT: Sorry to repeat some of what mission said, just now read his post....

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