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Tips & Techniques


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I figured a good topic for discussion would be some of the tips we all use in conversation with business owners when trying to secure a location. Feel free to comment or add content.

I try to avoid asking yes and no questions such as "Would you like me to place a couple of toy machines next to the register ?" Instead I would say " I think the toy machines would look best near the register. Do you think they would look better there or over beside the jukebox ?" When asking a yes or no question you have a 50% chance of getting a No answer. Simple math says that if you don't ask them your odds for a Yes answer rise.

I also use a sales technique I have learned over the years. I call it Hookem by the way. I go in and scout out the location and possibly start a conversation with an owner. All the time looking for machines. As I prepare to leave I ask "Oh by the way, this looks like a good spot for a gumball or toy machine. How many kids come in here?" Most times I've used this, I end up Hooking them.

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Not sure if anyone else has tried this, but here is an approach I thought about the other day. If you see a machine on location that is empty or nasty looking tell them that a friend of yours was eating there the other day with his kid and when they went to leave the kid wanted a gumball or toy and the machine was empty or machine looked nasty so the kid was unable to get anything and your friend knowing that you were in the business told you that you should see about putting a machine in there.

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