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Anybody know anything about this machine?

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Situation is thus, I have three soda machine locations lined up. Found a group of machines, 10 total plus extra parts mechs, validators, compressors, plus 2 hand trucks and Nortech mover for 2k. Closest I have been able to find anything here is $500.00 each, most without dbv, then add in time an fuel running around. He says three plus this one are ready to go, others need some tinkering, dbv installed which I figure will mean new boards probably. I haven't made a appointment to see them yet, want to make sure I have as much info as possible before I do.

I am a little familiar with the DN and Royals, but do not know anything about this machine. Seller claims will hold 800 cans and can also do bottles. He says Sam's sells this machine for over $3k.

SO I thought i would reach out to the vets and see what I can find out.

Thanks everyone!!

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If I am not mistaken it looks like a USI (Wittern group) machine sold thru Sam's Club. I would not seek these out to buy but for 2k for 10 machines and the handtrucks and Nortec movers sounds like a decent deal. You could just canabalize the remaining to get as many working as possible then after the ones you are able to get ready are making you money you can use the others as parts or fix them also. Call Wittern Group and make sure they still support this model with parts. Ask them if it is near "end of life" of them supporting it. Ask to talk to their service dept people and ask about durability etc.

I would try and get them even cheaper if you can even if it a couple hundred off down to $1800..

Maybe Techvend can chime in and let us know something more solid...

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If I am not mistaken it looks like a USI (Wittern group) machine sold thru Sam's Club. I would not seek these out to buy but for 2k for 10 machines and the handtrucks and Nortec movers sounds like a decent deal. You could just canabalize the remaining to get as many working as possible then after the ones you are able to get ready are making you money you can use the others as parts or fix them also. Call Wittern Group and make sure they still support this model with parts. Ask them if it is near "end of life" of them supporting it. Ask to talk to their service dept people and ask about durability etc.

I would try and get them even cheaper if you can even if it a couple hundred off down to $1800..

Maybe Techvend can chime in and let us know something more solid...

Here's a link to that machine on VENDING.COM


should give you all the specifics.


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Its a CB700, I have a number of them. They can do can or bottle. 20 oz with no modifications. 16.9 will require some adjustments. Weigh over 800 lbs so they can be difficult to handle if you don`t have the right equipment.

They still make and support them. I think they started making these around 03. You can check the SN, first 7 digits is the piece #, digits 8&9 are the year of mfg. The first year or two they had bridging issues with bottles but worked great for cans. After they got the bridging issues solved they are decent machines for either.

I think the board has been updated along the way so early machines may or may not be possible to interchange boards. Look at model number under SN, if model # is same

then you interchange parts.

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The picture is of the current version of the CB700 now called the Summit 700. If you are comfortable with a Royal machine you will be fine with this unit. It is a very close rendition if the Royal 650-10. The Royal has 12 columns but only 10 selections, the Summit7 700 just add the 2 other selections to make it a 12 column, 12 selection. It still has the front rear load, same style of motors and augers, and the boards (at least in the CB700) were scary similar.

I am confused by your post but if you are getting 10 of these for 2k then they are either older units or I would suggest calling Wittern to see if there is a note on them. And as Mission says, the date code is in the serial number. I think on the newer ones it is the last 5 number that are the day of the year and year. It is a 9 or 11 digit number, it is all a blur today.... :wacko:

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Just to clarify something Techvend said about calling Wittern to see if the have a "note" on these machines. Wittern finances machines for people and if these are financed and the guy sells them they might could be taken from you with a court order. No different than someone selling a car with a note attached. Get the serial numbers and call Wittern to make sure they are clear to sell.

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Just to clarify something Techvend said about calling Wittern to see if the have a "note" on these machines. Wittern finances machines for people and if these are financed and the guy sells them they might could be taken from you with a court order. No different than someone selling a car with a note attached. Get the serial numbers and call Wittern to make sure they are clear to sell.

Especially the newer ones that look like the one pictured.

The direct # to the finance dept. 1-800-236-2929.

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sorry everybody I wasn't to clear on everything, but thanks for all the info already. Basically the machines are all DN, Vendo and Royal. This one is a stand alone piece. He told me some of the machines are 501's and 276's not sure what else is in the lot. There is a total of 10 machines all together, 20 DBV, 15 mechs and 3 compressors.

He said four of them are ready to go right out, the others need tinkering such as DBV installed etc. I am expecting others to need more than that. I asked him how he moved them, that is when he offered the appliance dolley rated at 800, the vending dolley rated at 1200 and then the Nortec.

Here is where my thoughts are. I need three to place right now, would be awesome to have a "spare" especially with the warmere weather heading my way FINALLY!!!!!

I just replaced a mech in one of my R32, $140.10 with shipping from VE. I have priced the hand trucks left and right, and the 1200 rated one alone is $625 plus shipping from VE. I can only find 2 machines wihtin a 3 hours distance up here right now, all bottle machines. I found one can machine, but no DBV. Cheapest is the can machine at $500.00

So quick math.

3 machines with cost of machine and fuel at $600 - I drive a diesel $1800.00 did not factor in my time

one 1200 lb rated hand truck with shipping $ 725.00 - $750.00

$2525.00 - $2550.00

I didn't even factor in the remaining 7 machines and all the extra parts; 20 DBV, 15 mechs, 3 compressors.

My thoughts are the same as Robert's. Place as many as possible right off the bat get money headed back my way. figure out what the others might need and either rob from Peter and pay Paul or just buy new replacement parts or for that matter, scrap them depending on the situation.

I have three definite locations right now, and 2 if not 3 more possible. I am going to take a swing at getting Coke out of one I am at with an R32 already, why not I am already there, lol. I have a really good relationship with the manager so far. When I started cleaning up the mess there, the previous guy had some Big Texas Danish that were a few days from going out of date, so I gave them to him to give to his guys. Since then they seem to love me. I now have the machine that is there all cleaned up, lights are working, prices are posted and programmed correctly so they seem to like me. The manager has asked me to put mints in the machine, but right now I can not find any that are feasible to add with out them being almost $2.00 a vend. However, if I can get the drink machine, then I will put the mints in at $1.25, make my quarter as I will be making the rest on the drinks.

Another is a car dealership, small one,my step son works at, owner is hesitant as the previous guy they had would not take care of the machines. I am working on this one, checking in about every 2 weeks. They want a machine that will do full size water, and can';t get that with an Antares that I have.

Another definite is where I took my recent R32 rehab out of, was doing $5.00 a week, they do hot dogs thereon the company each day, the R32 was doing $5.00 a week on average, that left quick. The manager said he would love a soda machine.

Another definite I got the ok on Friday, I have a 145 there again all straightened out now, minus mints for the same reason with the same thoughts. They currently have Coke there can machine, I know for a fact it has been empty for a month. Machine is priced at $0.75 and matching it was the only stipulation. I figure no added fuel, I am already there. I can get cans at Sam's and BJ's for about $0.37 per unit. The manager said it empties atleast twice a month in the winter, and every 10 days in the summer.

Another definite but a couple months away as they are moving is an account I have a snack time machine at. They are moving to a new store front/ warehouse facility in the summer and want do do a full size soda machine. I will most likely purchase another rehab project by then as well and step them up completely. Right now the snack time machine is doing roughly 12-15 a week. They will be doubling their staff with the new location, so the current snack will remain until I see need to alter it. But with what I just learned, they are fairly easy and economical to redo, and one of my current locations has an AP 4600 with either a bad board and or mech in it, I am looking at $140 for new mech, and another $100 for a board from VE. I can get this machine for no more than $150.

Have another location I should be moving into this week , manager just wanted to review everything with his boss - the managers secretary was in the office when he and I were discussing it the other day and she piped in that he had already approved it but my "boss" just wants to dot the I's and cross the T's, I completely understand that. I also contract there with my dump truck as well. The yard I work at will have the 145 I just refurbed and the 501 I currently have inside, then will be looking to Pepsi for a 501 or 600 for outside. EXTREMELY DUSTY location. They also have a yard about 1 mile up the road that I should be able to move a machine to without any difficulty, the two yards work together and what one has the other wants so to speak.

I have some info regarding another location in the same area that the company is disgusted with their current company. That is also a shipping location and deals with the gigantic pieces that GE makes etc and ships from their plants in Schenectady, NY that aren't shipped by rail. I am not really sure what the staffing is there, but I will know later this week.

Then there is another gravel location I have a in with, that I am going to stop and see the owners son about as well. LOL There are staffed with about 10 people currently year round and are going to "expand remarkably this year."

Any how, above is the anticipated cost of what I am up against trying to find them individually, the package this guy is offering with the 10 machines, DBV's, Mech's, compressors, Nortech, Appliance Dolley and Vending hand truck - $2000.00. They were originally on CL for $6500 then $5500 then $4500 and then I called him today and he shot me a price of $2000.00 I can move everything out of the storage unit he has, or take over the unit. It seems all so surreal. Hence the reason I wanted to ask about the USI machine - I verified with Sam's website after I posted earlier. I recalled a poll for "best machines" and with reading; once again I will mention RJT's book and the machine ranking is mentioned in there as well as a tremendous amount of additional information; I remembered that USI is recognized as a reliable unit. I am trying to convert everything over to "reliable pieces" in the process of selling off the Antares I have. they are nice easy machines, but to time consuming to change prices on etc for the allotment I have for this at this time. The only way I could make them more versatile would be to assemble mechs before hand. It makes them really tough to use a variety of product in. I end up having to service these first to ensure I have the right amount of XYZ product due to the lack of flexibility with the pricing. to much of a PITA. A perfect example, I refuse to put M&M in them as all the candy slots are set at $0.75, my cost is $0.55. I was actually going to pull one of them today until I opened it up and took almost $100.00 out of it. So I filled it for the time being instead LOL

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Especially the newer ones that look like the one pictured.

The direct # to the finance dept. 1-800-236-2929.

Great advice on the note situation. I know this guy buys alot of machines from around the state and resells them here. I have seen alot of adds on Craigslist over the past few months for him spoke with him previously and know he has Ties to NYC. He told me then that when the companies there upgrade he buys them and then resells them. For the price, either they have to be family he deals with, or I need a firetruck before I touch them to cool them off. LOL

thanks everyone

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Went and viewed the machines today. Please see other post. The machine in this thread is definitely big. the ending digits of the serial number are 1291. Not sure how to interpret this.If I am correct, it would stand for December 1991. But if they weren't manufactured until 03, then I got this all out of wack. It is definitely an older machine, and disgustingly filthy. Still half full of soda. Another of the machines in the lot still has some in it also, expiration date, October 09. Makes you wonder what some of these people do with machines they take out of service.

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Makes you wonder what some of these people do with machines they take out of service.

They let them sit in storage until the cans get so old they start leaking. :)

If you don't walk away from this deal...... and its beginning to sound like the best option get the entire serial number, should be about 14 or 15 digits and I can break it down for you.

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Mission you know, that is what I am thinking also. I know I can get a can coke graphic machine about 2 hours away - no dbv but I can get it for 500 and it is working. There are a couple pepsi graphic machines about the same distance. According to the adds, they are currently working.

I would love to grab this many,. but as the old saying goes if it sounds to good to be true, it most likely is.

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