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Rock-Ola Machines?

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HI All.

As most know I have been discussing a group soda machine purchase. I went and viewed the machines today, there is the gi-normous CB700 - absolutely filthy but in decent shape none the less. However, the remaining machines are puzzling me. They have a Rock-ola bezel on the change acceptor. I have been the past hour looking through the internet trying to find these machines with no luck. I have discovered them, however the machines I viewed are much newer than what I can find on the net.

There are also 5 combo machines, I didn't even notice the manufacturer - truthfully I am not interest in them, they are a part of the deal though.

The machines I am after, are all the full size beverage machines. The strange thing, I opened up a couple of the "Rock-ola" machines, they have Mars DBV in them. They appear to have some sort of a serpentine system, and are all can machines. The can only doesn't really concern me as to the locations I have in store. However, I am concerned about them period. Really no info so far discovered, and of course no manuals. Interestingly enough, the combo machines have a name on them that I recognize as when they were actively in business, they managed to p'off enough business here that is has been almost impossible to get into these locations. These are electronic machines, about 20 selection on top, then 6 selection soda/juice etc on the bottom. Again can only. The dbv's some are still wrapped in plastic. However no vending dolley, no nortech mover either. Appliance dolley yes, piano dolly yes.

Price for whole lot is 2K

I am really starting to consider running away form this. The only machine I recognized was the cb700, he said the guy whom he bought it form told him it was frosting up on occasion. The thing is definitely humongous though.

Any suggestions and info on these Rock-ola would be awesome.3ne3k83l65O35U25P5b3tf05d4bcd1e281bc6.jpg

Thanks everyone!!

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Looks exactly like my Vendo 8 select.

Looks exactly like my Vendo 8 select.

Should be double depth columns and there are three single columns on the left with sliding gates, and 5 double selections on the right.

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It;s weird. This is what the interior looks like


I have another machine with an interior like that. But it looks nothing like your original picture. I haven't ever had it jam on me which is a plus.

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Ahhh, Rockola, now there is a tank. They are like an Energizer rabbit just working and working.

Ok, back to reality. Rockola sold their beverage rights to RO International (probably in the early 90's) which if I remember correctly they where part of Genisis Manufacturing (no, not that Genesis. These machine work great but the serpentine configuration does not allow you to vend anything but cans out of it. They did at one point have a machine that had some bottle configurations in it with the rest serpentine but that did go over to well.

We sold plenty of RO's in it's day which was the mid to late 90's. Then the convertible machine started to take over as bottles were becoming more popular. RO actually use to make the OreIda machine. They were very successful with that but it didn't take off in the states but it did go big over in Europe. I think the success of the FF machine was part of the decision to stop making the beverage machine. They even made a snack machine that never got off the ground. It had led prices on the trays instead of labels. You could program that 5 units deep was 50 cents then raise the price to 75 cents for the rest. Of course back the we needed to use a 5 1/4 floppy disk to do that.

So after my babbling, they are work horse but I haven't seen any parts for them for quite a while

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I was hopin you would see this Bill. I have spent the past 6 hours scouring the net, I did come up with a site for parts, but can not even find a picture of the emblem.

I was starting to think I should run away from this idea. Long and short of it, there are 5 of these machines, 5 combo machines, 1 cb700, 24 or so dbv - some still wrapped in plastic and in boxes from Gekay, as well as a bunch of mechs from Gekay as well.

Long and short of it, the RO machines look like they are in really decent shape. It really threw me as when I opened one of them up, the serpentine system had me scratching my head. They look just like a Vendo as JeremyTina mentioned. These have even got Mars Mechs and DBV from what I was able to see. They are fairly clean as well.

The CB700, that is absolutely filthy, and he told me that the guy he got it from told him it has on occassion frosted up, ok, so thinking maybe bad stat or just dirty.

The price is at 2k for everything. the cb700, 5 RO machines, the combos I mentioned above - no idea who's they are at this point, all the dbv and mechs. Almost forgot, 3 compressors as well, not sure who's they are yet. There are boards, Roze DBV, Mars DBV etc.

I discovered refurbing is a fairly simple task so cosmetics worry me not, and as long as I cna obtain parts, not really to worried about rebuilds either. I was thinking as mentioned in another thread, I can always scrap what I can't get working. Just don;t get golpher and when I couldn;t find any info on them, I went hmmmm, smeels like ---- usually is ----. LOL


Actually just hopped on the SO for Genesis and the combos though they are larger than the pics, sure do look like Genesis. My interest is primarily in the soda machines, but would lone to get away from the Antares and at least have electronic combos.

OK, now a technical ? Are machines without dbv difficult to add one to? I realize that some machines have dumb mechs, and that will present an issue all its own. Trying to get the biggest bang for the buck. LOL

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The RO that built the sodas website is http://www.genesisincorporated.com/index.html as you can see they don't even list the vending machines to much.

To add a DBV to a machine without them depends on the machine. You will need to have a cut out on the machine or room to make a cutout and a board or coin mech that will interface with the DBV and the DBV itself. Each machine can be different so you will need to look at it machine by machine.

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