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Finally got an ok

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After better than 6 weeks of trying, I finally got the ok to put a snack (145) and soda (501E) into a locatoin today. It came to light last evening that the manager I have been dealing with has been snow balling me. When the secretary heard the discussion, she went to the big boss, talked to him and his response as long as the company doesn't have to pay for it, then go a ahead.

So I sent the service agreement to her, just need to sign it when I deliver the machines. Hand truck from VE arrived today, I must say awesome. I was able to lift the 276E and the snack (after building a nose plate shim without an issue. Strapped the 501 up and unlocked the rear wheels. Unlocking the wheels automatically brought the 276 and 145 into moving position, had to stand up on the rear wheels and the 501 pivoted right back. This thing is awesome.

Got a location for a 276 can machine yesterday, will make the final deal on that tomorrow night.

Now the bad news, go to the shop, run everything through a test vend, dollar goes through 501 perfectly, as well as coins and credited perfect, perfect vend. Fire up the 145, coins are perfect, vends are perfect, dbv not so good. Activates but doesn't draw the dollar in. Call VE, a new one with shipping, estimated $300.00 with harness and mounting bracket. Had to go with overnight shippingembarrassed.gif due to placing prior to weekend. Seems like no matter what, when I am not looking bang, problem pops up. Atleadt I went iwth a Mars, shouldn't have to worry about it again. The odd part, guy at VE told me Mars was the only one that would fit.

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After better than 6 weeks of trying, I finally got the ok to put a snack (145) and soda (501E) into a locatoin today. It came to light last evening that the manager I have been dealing with has been snow balling me. When the secretary heard the discussion, she went to the big boss, talked to him and his response as long as the company doesn't have to pay for it, then go a ahead.

So I sent the service agreement to her, just need to sign it when I deliver the machines. Hand truck from VE arrived today, I must say awesome. I was able to lift the 276E and the snack (after building a nose plate shim without an issue. Strapped the 501 up and unlocked the rear wheels. Unlocking the wheels automatically brought the 276 and 145 into moving position, had to stand up on the rear wheels and the 501 pivoted right back. This thing is awesome.

Got a location for a 276 can machine yesterday, will make the final deal on that tomorrow night.

Now the bad news, go to the shop, run everything through a test vend, dollar goes through 501 perfectly, as well as coins and credited perfect, perfect vend. Fire up the 145, coins are perfect, vends are perfect, dbv not so good. Activates but doesn't draw the dollar in. Call VE, a new one with shipping, estimated $300.00 with harness and mounting bracket. Had to go with overnight shippingembarrassed.gif due to placing prior to weekend. Seems like no matter what, when I am not looking bang, problem pops up. Atleadt I went iwth a Mars, shouldn't have to worry about it again. The odd part, guy at VE told me Mars was the only one that would fit.

Stock validator in a 145 was a MAKA NB10B400. Both Mars and Coinco are available for these as a kit. Coulda sent it in for repair and gotten it back by Friday cheaper...

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That figures. I went through my phone looking for your number too.

I am thinking is just bad belts.I thought I had a couple, but they ended up being old Rowe's, probably going to go into the trash truthfully. Is it worth getting it repaired Bill, or is it more of a paper weight now?? I do have another 145 out, would be nice to be able to just unscrew a issue, screw in a solution.

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Seems like no matter what, when I am not looking bang, problem pops up. Atleadt I went iwth a Mars, shouldn't have to worry about it again. The odd part, guy at VE told me Mars was the only one that would fit.

There is always going to be something, doesn't really matter what kind of business you are in, as the owner the buck stops with you (or is spent by you) :rolleyes:

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That figures. I went through my phone looking for your number too.

I am thinking is just bad belts.I thought I had a couple, but they ended up being old Rowe's, probably going to go into the trash truthfully. Is it worth getting it repaired Bill, or is it more of a paper weight now?? I do have another 145 out, would be nice to be able to just unscrew a issue, screw in a solution.

I have some customers that will never fix a MAKA as they think it throwing good after bad. I also have some customers that wouldn't put a MARS/COINCO into a 145 as they feel that putting that type of validator into a 145 machine is throwing good after bad.

So it is a business decision that only you can make. Me, with the amount of MAKAs that go trough our doors. I would say keep the MAKA, all these poeple can't be wrong....

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Thats what I was hoping you would say, I don;t believe it is going to be anything but belts really. It activates instantly, but doesn't draw the bill in. I tried to fuss with it a little yesterday, but truthfully, with a migraine and kicking myself for not trying it weeks ago, it just made more sense to get one on the road so to speak.

I have several machines (as opposed to what I was planning on 3 months agogrin.gif, so my thoughts as apparently yours and Ninn Jinn's, why not. Maybe I can always put the Mars or MAKA into a different machine if need be. Never hurts to unscrew a problem and be able to screw in a solution.

Once I get settled with the 276 tonight I think that is going to be it for a while. Although cheesy.gif, I have found a 368 that will need a dbv - picture shows one but add says it needs to be replaced. I was thinking that the MAKA I am replacing or the Mars may work in that machine. Either way, I am at the point where I need to focus a bit on a few other things. I have found how it is so easy to place a soda machine, it is almost addicting.

I will be waiting with baited breath for the Fed Ex truck tomorrow, that way I can get the new one installed, load the the machines and get them placed. It will be nice to once again have room in my shop. Now if I could just get rid of the damn video game that ended up being part of the original deal.

Bill gonna shoot you a pm, I would like to talk to you a little more about this situation and I have what may be an issue with the 440 I just placed as well.

Thanks everybody!!

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Maka's are notorius for bad belts. The belts can even look like they are in good shape and be bad. If it fires up and tries to pull in the dollar but want then 99% of the time it is the belts. I have changed many belts out on Maka so I am sure you can to. It is a bit tricky but can be done with a little patients and mechanical skill.

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Thanks for the encouragement RJT. That is my objective. Take a rain day and sit in the shop at the bench. I woul dlike to reinstall it in the 145, hoping that the one that just arrived will fit the soda machine I am going to look at.

Also update on the 276, some I am sure saw the rant n the other post, POS stuck it to me good. We got all the way there, and he reneged on the deal.

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