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Lifespan of a machine at a location


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I'm wondering how long a machine typically will stay in a give location. I'm thinking about using a locator service to place my first machine, and I'm wondering if the machine will be in that location long enough to make back the location fee and start making a profit. Can anybody provide their experience?

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Oh, I also want to clarify what I meant by "lifespan". I'm not talking about the mechanical lifespan of the machine, I'm talking about how long the machine is likely to stay at the location. How frequently do locations request a machine be removed or competition drives you out?

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Oh, I also want to clarify what I meant by "lifespan". I'm not talking about the mechanical lifespan of the machine, I'm talking about how long the machine is likely to stay at the location. How frequently do locations request a machine be removed or competition drives you out?

Refer to the post above yours. That holds true for keeping a location. You need to build a repoire with each location. If the employees like you and know you, and so does the owner/mgr, you have nothing to worry about. You don't need to chat with them for 20 minutes, but saying hello, and asking how things are going certainly helps.

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