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My First Rack


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Following the advice here on the forum I have tried and succeeded in getting permission from a location to upgrade from a triple to a rack. Hooray! Found a 4 way rack with 2 PO89's and a 3 column sticker/tatoo while out working in another state. I threw in the backseat of the rental car an dragged it home. I have another 2 PO89's here at the house so I have some equipment to use.

Question is what should I start with.Obviously toys but if you could go back and get a do over with your first rack what would you do different?

2 toys/ gumball/ runts? 50 cent mechs? How many toys should I order to make it worthwhile with shipping? Should I order all from A&A since I need 50 cent mechs?

This is a whole new ballgame. Not like walking into Sams and picking up candy. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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I would do the 4 heads with gumballs and the rest .50 toys, bouncy balls, sqwishland mania product, and a sticky mix. the good thing about this mix of toys is nothing is gender specific. Then add sticker machine to a stand and set it right beside the rack if space permits

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I would do the 4 heads with gumballs and the rest .50 toys, bouncy balls, sqwishland mania product, and a sticky mix. the good thing about this mix of toys is nothing is gender specific. Then add sticker machine to a stand and set it right beside the rack if space permits

That's good advice mainor. Place the gumball machine in the bottom right position. I think caserri posted a long time ago about the right hand machines get the most usage.

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i have been doing vending for a year and a half now still kind of new i have 15 locations and all i ever put in are racks i tried candy at first but since i have gone to all toys i get everything from A&A my first rack was a 9 rack in a golden coral its still one of my best spots i got lucky i no but i feel racks is where the moneys at every spot u find if u can put in a rack u wont be sorry sticker machines are in almost all my locations also and they do really really good at 75 cents hope this helped and good luck to ya

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Thanks for the responses. No bouncy balls allowed at this location so I will find something else. I plan on adding the wings to both sides and put in the sticker/tatoo machine later. I'll be sure to be the gumball on the bottom right for sure. Thanks again for your help and I will keep you posted how it goes.

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Thanks for the responses. No bouncy balls allowed at this location so I will find something else. I plan on adding the wings to both sides and put in the sticker/tatoo machine later. I'll be sure to be the gumball on the bottom right for sure. Thanks again for your help and I will keep you posted how it goes.

50 cent toys are pretty much always a good plan. I'm not qualified to speak on stickers/tattoos since that part of my business has not been a smashing success (yet).

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