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Just started business


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I just started my bulk vending business in the past month or so with a partner. I am in Houston and he is in Dallas and we plan on placing machines throughout these huge metro areas. With our initial investment, we've gotten 5 Spirals and 6 Ashland triple heads, all used but in good condition. I like the idea of the spirals because of the long gaps between the service time as I'm in the National Guard and might have to be gone for some extended periods. It also seems a lot of people are leaning towards going the toy route, something I'm intrigued by. I feel between the two of us, these 11 machines are a good start, and he'll have 6 to service and myself 5 and later down the road after we run the income numbers we can look at expanding. I'm really looking forward to getting to know the intricacies of the business and reading the replies. Any tips from you wise old vets out there?

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I just started my bulk vending business in the past month or so with a partner. I am in Houston and he is in Dallas and we plan on placing machines throughout these huge metro areas. With our initial investment, we've gotten 5 Spirals and 6 Ashland triple heads, all used but in good condition. I like the idea of the spirals because of the long gaps between the service time as I'm in the National Guard and might have to be gone for some extended periods. It also seems a lot of people are leaning towards going the toy route, something I'm intrigued by. I feel between the two of us, these 11 machines are a good start, and he'll have 6 to service and myself 5 and later down the road after we run the income numbers we can look at expanding. I'm really looking forward to getting to know the intricacies of the business and reading the replies. Any tips from you wise old vets out there?

Dperry is the go to guy for Texas specific items like laws and taxes or what sells. But you can ask anything and it should get an answer.

Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk

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Thank you for serving in the guard.

If you find yourself being deployed fill the heads on the spiral higher and TELL THE OWNERS. Let them know you'll be out of the area, but you have someone, a friend or a relative who can handle most things. Generally speaking if you have high quality coin mechs, most spirals do, you won't have problems. Put the spirals somewhere that the sun won't shine on the GB. Due to the number of GB and the long service time the GB will fade before they sell in most locations if you are in full direct light.

Edit: PS. Your spirals might or might not have an actual box that goes in the quarter area. If there is not a box I highly recommend making one. Cardboard works okay--so long as it is at least moderately durable. Something you would use as a shipping container. Study where it needs to go--and what if anything it needs to fit past (different makers came up with different ways to attach the rear lock, some of them require a special groove cut into the boxes, if you have one of these scenarios you'll understand what I mean, if you don't, it doesn't matter). <-So much punctuation.

Welcome to the business. ;D

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Yea, all the spirals I bought were used off of craigslist, some for as little as $50 that were "broken" but just had gum that needed to be washed off the wheel. In addition to that, most of the machines I bought already had some type of plastic container inside them base to collect the coins, and some of those I bought had a couple bucks in them already. I shouldn't be getting deployed anytime soon, but I do have to attend training out of state from Sept-Feb, and I've already arranged to have my g/f come check on the machines maybe once a month if that. I could probably go 2 months before checking the machines, but my curiosity and boredom will get the best of me and I'll probably be checking every few weeks. I did a $14 pull after 3 weeks on my first spiral location, I felt pretty satisfied with the huge profit margins that GB have.

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