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Question...? Besides Regular M&M's, Gumballs and......


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In the past, I dealt with one person who started to set up the 1" capsule machines in pet stores and vended treats to give to the animals; dogs, cats, birds, etc.  Store owner / manager is a must for approval though. 

The new energy chocolates were something I heard about as well.  I do not know much about them however.

Scott Davidson

Arrow Vending

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The new energy chocolates were something I heard about as well.  I do not know much about them however.

Scott, the new energy chocolates (Buzz Bites) are a Biz Op rip-off.  They want a minimum of $10,250 for 35 machines that do not come with stands.  See link to ad on Craigslist.


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  • 3 weeks later...

aj9088 said...

does anyone have anything SPECIFIC about this new opportunity?

Well, $10,250.00 for 35 machines is as specific as I personally need.

No way, no how! Take to long to see a return on my money.

They vend only out of their own little machines.  They are targeted to restaurants and the like. Places with tables to set the machine. Thus no stands needed.

Each vend is 50 cents. They are chocolate chews, each with as much caffeine as 1 cup of coffee. (Their big selling point.)

They also claim to have some B-vitamins, Ginseng, and Taurine.

What I am interested in are called "Energy Balls" (Insert joke here.) ;)

At $1.00 per vend though it looks I will be waiting awhile longer for something else to come along.

But I am still investigating the potential.


Forgot to add...

Tony, we are having good luck with Member's Mark Gourmet Jelly Beans from Sam's Club. I thought it was an unusual choice of candy, but maybe that's just exactly why they are selling so good. Something different for a change.


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Simply put, toys make the cash. I use them in hair salons, C Stores, Gas Stations, Restaurants, Delis, and clothing/nic nac stores.

For hair salons and clothing/nic nac stores we use Monkeyin Around 1", watered down with 3:1 BB in some spots with high kid count. Adult Ladies buy them as much as kids. We could never get BB to work, or BlockHeads etc.

Convenience Stores and GS, Restaurants, Delis sell: 1" product   BB/ Assorted Round mix, Monkein Around, Blockheads, Flip Top, Sliver Chains, or Alien Invasion. 2" product  Finger Lights, and Glow Crosses. 

Kyle Guth


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Got to go with the guy above me FINGER LIGHTS ARE A GOLD MINE i cant keep my machine full. Also since the finger lights are on a triple next to my gum balls i have seen larger sales on them and the M&MS and thats with two other machines next to mine. Get some fingerlights and some kids and you will counting quatarts for days.

I have so far sold about 350 of them since 24th of december and thats with 2 weeks of not not knowing that machine was empty

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im brand new to vending so this question might be naive etc..but i hope anyone with an honest opinion will venture in...thanx....

it seems to me that vending is quite unique in that one can almost "guarantee" profits and making good money AS LONG AS ONE HAS ENOUGH MACHINES...for instance, say i had a route of 500 bulk candy machines...each machine was averaging $20 a month..(is that a fair amount? is that high? or low? im really not sure but it seems to be what some are saying..) so EACH machine is making me $20 a month..and i have 500 machines so that's 500 x $20 for a total of 10k a MONTH...right? and that is some pretty good coin if im correct!!  obviously if one averages $30 or $40 a month, it is even more! even if it $10 a month, which i hope is REALLY LOW, that would still be 5k a month which is STILL pretty good...im not sure how long it would take to service 500 machines but if they are all located fairly close by, it seems like a no brainer...is there a flaw in my thinking?


or take those new "buzz bites" machines that ive been reading about...each machine has 160 pieces in it...at 50 cents a vend, that's $80 when a machine is empty...(gross not net of course) if one has 500 of those machines, and say an average of only 2 per day is expected, or $1 a day per machine, that is still $500 a DAY....or 15k a MONTH  (gross again, and not net but still a lot of money!)


so that's what im thinking...as long as i have a pretty major route with a lot of machines, how can i go wrong? ok ok..go at it and show me where im wrong, inexperienced or naive..lol....thanx   ed


ps...what is an average amount for a bulk candy route for a decent location? $10, $20, $30 $40 a month?  thanx...

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With more machines comes more money usually. I think the average is about $15 per machine per month. Now you will need a good sized area to place 500 machines. It will take a fair ammount of money to get 500 machines. Plus if you decide to pay a locator to place them figure $35-$50+ per machine. Take a look in places where you are and see how saturated the market is. I am just guessing here but I would say you could do 30 machines a day depending on how far they are spaced. If you did 25 a day then you would service them once a month. How much do these "buzz bites" cost per vend? Gumballs run about .03 each for a comparison, so you make .22 each vend.

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thanx beer....the buzz bites vend at 50 cents each and the profit margin is pretty good too....

is $15 really the average per location per month? that low? anyone else have any figures for me or answers to my scenario above? thanx...ed


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  • 2 weeks later...

Buzz Bite vending machines are getting a ton of publicity. Our product has been featured on CNBC, Wall Street Journal, Local News Stations, Whoopie talked about them on her radio show. We even have some of our customers being written up in there local newspaper.


The craigslist ads you guys are seeing are some of our distributors using craigslist to sell the product.

I talk to people everyday with great success. If anyone has any questions about our product I am more than happy to talk to you.


Gary Luckner

Vice President


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Also,see the ads in Craigslist of people trying to unload their Buzz Bite machines.

Could you post a link to these people selling their machines? I searched for what you claim and only see a few ads seeking distributors for this new product and no one trying to get out of their Buzz Bites ventures. This product has grabbed my interest too. I tried Buzz Bites and they are great! Everyone I gave them to says they are great! It appears those with negative opinions of them haven't even tried Buzz Bites.


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im brand new to vending so this question might be naive etc..but i hope anyone with an honest opinion will venture in...thanx....

it seems to me that vending is quite unique in that one can almost "guarantee" profits and making good money AS LONG AS ONE HAS ENOUGH MACHINES...for instance, say i had a route of 500 bulk candy machines...each machine was averaging $20 a month..(is that a fair amount? is that high? or low? im really not sure but it seems to be what some are saying..) so EACH machine is making me $20 a month..and i have 500 machines so that's 500 x $20 for a total of 10k a MONTH...right? and that is some pretty good coin if im correct!!  obviously if one averages $30 or $40 a month, it is even more! even if it $10 a month, which i hope is REALLY LOW, that would still be 5k a month which is STILL pretty good...im not sure how long it would take to service 500 machines but if they are all located fairly close by, it seems like a no brainer...is there a flaw in my thinking?


or take those new "buzz bites" machines that ive been reading about...each machine has 160 pieces in it...at 50 cents a vend, that's $80 when a machine is empty...(gross not net of course) if one has 500 of those machines, and say an average of only 2 per day is expected, or $1 a day per machine, that is still $500 a DAY....or 15k a MONTH  (gross again, and not net but still a lot of money!)


so that's what im thinking...as long as i have a pretty major route with a lot of machines, how can i go wrong? ok ok..go at it and show me where im wrong, inexperienced or naive..lol....thanx   ed


ps...what is an average amount for a bulk candy route for a decent location? $10, $20, $30 $40 a month?  thanx...

 Ed, I would be more concerned with the net.  So, in your example of 500 machines I'll use an conservative average of $10 per machine per month. 

500 machines x $10 = $5,000 gross. 

$5,000 gross  x 30% Cost of Goods Sold = $1,500 Cost of Goods Sold

$5,000 - $1,500 = $3,500

Let's assume these 500 machines support a national charity costing $1 per machine per month.  $500 per month for charity stickers.

$3,500 - $500 = $3,000

Then your last major expense would be gas.

Some things to consider would be how saturated your particular market is, the cost of buying 500 machines, getting 500 machines located (self locating or paying a locator), how far you are willing to travel to get locations, and the amount of time you want to dedicate to this business.  I would start off with a few machines to see if you even like the business before you make any major purchases.

I don't have anywhere near 500 machines and don't plan to but I hope this helps.  My biggest recommendation would be to read as much as you can from the forum.  There is so much collective knowledge and wisdom on here that can save you from making many unnecessary mistakes.  Good Luck!


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It appears those with negative opinions of them haven't even tried Buzz Bites.


As with most biz-ops, it is not so much the product as it is the sales tactics of the company offering them. Case in point, 1800 vending. These machines have a reputation of being quality built machines. Other members have also said they were the best built, best looking, and most dependable triple on the market. However, that doesn't mean you should buy a "vending package" directly from 1800 vending. It is advised that you pick these machines up on eBay or CL for a considerable discount. The same applies to the Buzz Bites. Wait for others to make the mistake of investing thousands of dollars. Once they realize the true ROI, they will eventually try to re-coop some of their losses by selling them off on ebay. If you believe in the product and know it will sell for you, thats were you need to look to buy them.


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Getting back to what to vend, I am learning that for me M&Ms are not selling.  Neither are Reese's Pieces. I have no idea why they aren't selling.  So.......I am gonna finish up with them and only vend MMPs, MMPs w/ dark chocolate, gumballs, Ike and Mikes, and some Skittles.

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Getting back to what to vend, I am learning that for me M&Ms are not selling.  Neither are Reese's Pieces. I have no idea why they aren't selling.  So.......I am gonna finish up with them and only vend MMPs, MMPs w/ dark chocolate, gumballs, Ike and Mikes, and some Skittles.

mm dont sell well for me either,the only exceptions are where there is a higher then normal hispanic crowd,they seem to buy them.

reeses do well for me here I am surprised that they dont well for you.


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I am getting way to many requests for M&I, and HT. So I will offer, as bad as I hate to, these products:

Hot Tamales(by request), Mike & Ikes(by request), Gone Fishing(default candy), Toys, Gumballs/Chicklets.

HT, and M&I sell well, so I will try it. Don't see why PMM sell so well for you guys.

My worst was: PMM, Reeses, Skittles. Could not give these things away.



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