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Few Vendo 540 problems


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Hey everybody. Haven't been on here in a while but I love this forum. Anyways so I have two vendo 540s that I have which are each located at a swimming pool. I do around 100-150/month per machine. The sales are not great and it seems like the problems and troubles they give me makes me hate these accounts because their also low volume.

I went to one of my vendo 540 machines (triple depth) a week ago and I noticed something strange. When I looked underneath, the 3rd can was way in the back in the 4 depth position. So I bought the soda to see what would happen. Turns out the soda gets stuck and doesnt vend. The cradle just keeps moving back and forth because of the soda jam. I had this happen with a bunch of my selections actually so I tried to fix them by moving the 3rd can in its right cradle depth position. I thought it would fix the problem. So I went to check on my machine a week after just to makesure everything is fine. Well turns out same thing happened again. Some of the selections had the 3rd can in the way back in the 4th depth position again underneath. Anyways so my question is what exactly is going on? I hope theirs not someone constantly rocking my machine. I was new to vending when I got these accounts so I did have a few problems at first but I did fix them. I am thinking their might be some unhappy people I'm not sure. I havent had problems with this account though for a while until this jamming occured lately. What should I do? Should I change the machine from 3 can deep to 2 deep? Should I perhaps try to put a slope platform underneath the machine? Would that help it from rocking the machine and making sure the can stays in its right depth spot underneath the cradle? I don't know what to do.

The other vendo 540 I have, the coin mech (TRC-6512) got jammed a while back with coins. So I tried to clear the coin mech from all the coins that were stuck in there. I put the coin mech back into the machine but I didnt I guess put it on right because I didnt put it on the screws to hold it in place. I instead got some cardboard to hold it up but when I checked on it the coin mech tilted and the cardboard even blocked the way of the coins dropping into the return change slot. So I cleaned up all the coins again and this time I remembered to put the coin mech onto the screws that are on the machine to hold it in place right. I am hoping I dont have problems again because I have had a lot of problems I feel like with this account. Someone even put an out of order sighn on my machine two times. It was really frustrating seeing the sighns. Hopefully everything might be ok now with the machine. Should I purchase a new coin mech just to be safe with the account or just try to work with what I have and see what happens.

Also for some reason I cant put yoohoo in the 8th selection because theirs a bar above the cradle which prevents the cans from falling. Its to the side and makes it too tight (right above the cradle to the left) to allow the cans to drop into the cradle. What should I do about this? I dont think that a yoohoo can is any different size from a regular can so I dont think its the yoohoo. The image 442 shows this tight slot while image 800 shows a regular slot on the same vendo 540 machine.

Last question I have is I have an old dixie narco 276 (single price mainly can machine) but I am having trouble with trying to set 1 selection to the 16.9 oz bottle for water. Its a contruction site and I feel like the guys really need water. Does anyone know how to do this. I was trying to go by what was on the diagram of the machine but didnt work. I tried to change the cam setting but I dont know. It seems like I cant change the depth of the selection which is why I am having trouble.

Sorry I have a lot of questions but I have been pretty frustrated with full line vending lately and its really taking up a lot of my time with only a total of 4 machines that do only around 100 a month. Any help would be appreciated.



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Hey everybody. Haven't been on here in a while but I love this forum. Anyways so I have two vendo 540s that I have which are each located at a swimming pool. I do around 100-150/month per machine. The sales are not great and it seems like the problems and troubles they give me makes me hate these accounts because their also low volume.

I went to one of my vendo 540 machines (triple depth) a week ago and I noticed something strange. When I looked underneath, the 3rd can was way in the back in the 4 depth position. So I bought the soda to see what would happen. Turns out the soda gets stuck and doesnt vend. The cradle just keeps moving back and forth because of the soda jam. I had this happen with a bunch of my selections actually so I tried to fix them by moving the 3rd can in its right cradle depth position. I thought it would fix the problem. So I went to check on my machine a week after just to makesure everything is fine. Well turns out same thing happened again. Some of the selections had the 3rd can in the way back in the 4th depth position again underneath. Anyways so my question is what exactly is going on? I hope theirs not someone constantly rocking my machine. I was new to vending when I got these accounts so I did have a few problems at first but I did fix them. I am thinking their might be some unhappy people I'm not sure. I havent had problems with this account though for a while until this jamming occured lately. What should I do? Should I change the machine from 3 can deep to 2 deep? Should I perhaps try to put a slope platform underneath the machine? Would that help it from rocking the machine and making sure the can stays in its right depth spot underneath the cradle? I don't know what to do.

The other vendo 540 I have, the coin mech (TRC-6512) got jammed a while back with coins. So I tried to clear the coin mech from all the coins that were stuck in there. I put the coin mech back into the machine but I didnt I guess put it on right because I didnt put it on the screws to hold it in place. I instead got some cardboard to hold it up but when I checked on it the coin mech tilted and the cardboard even blocked the way of the coins dropping into the return change slot. So I cleaned up all the coins again and this time I remembered to put the coin mech onto the screws that are on the machine to hold it in place right. I am hoping I dont have problems again because I have had a lot of problems I feel like with this account. Someone even put an out of order sighn on my machine two times. It was really frustrating seeing the sighns. Hopefully everything might be ok now with the machine. Should I purchase a new coin mech just to be safe with the account or just try to work with what I have and see what happens.

Also for some reason I cant put yoohoo in the 8th selection because theirs a bar above the cradle which prevents the cans from falling. Its to the side and makes it too tight (right above the cradle to the left) to allow the cans to drop into the cradle. What should I do about this? I dont think that a yoohoo can is any different size from a regular can so I dont think its the yoohoo. The image 442 shows this tight slot while image 800 shows a regular slot on the same vendo 540 machine.

Last question I have is I have an old dixie narco 276 (single price mainly can machine) but I am having trouble with trying to set 1 selection to the 16.9 oz bottle for water. Its a contruction site and I feel like the guys really need water. Does anyone know how to do this. I was trying to go by what was on the diagram of the machine but didnt work. I tried to change the cam setting but I dont know. It seems like I cant change the depth of the selection which is why I am having trouble.

Sorry I have a lot of questions but I have been pretty frustrated with full line vending lately and its really taking up a lot of my time with only a total of 4 machines that do only around 100 a month. Any help would be appreciated.

On the machine that you are having issues with the cans being in position 4 I would think that you have someone sticking something up the delivery chute and trying to dislodge cans. Makes sure the chute assembly is setup for the can size which will tighten up that area. There may also be an anti theft bracket for this as well.

For the one that the coin chute jammed, well point blank, you caused the second failure by not putting the assembly back together properly. I would leave it, as if you cleared the jam and reassembled the unit correctly you should be fine.

I can't really tell Bout the tight column as the rotators look like they are in different positions. The easiest way to check this is simply test the Yoohoo in another column and see if it works OK.

The 16.9 I will leave for someone else

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my 2 cents, dont bother with 16.9oz water in a can machine if you dont absolutely have to.

first off, most brands wont vend properly causing jams and possibly damaging the motor and rotor.

second even if you figure out which brand works right ( disani ) you lose half the capacity of the column so even tho you make a few cents more per vend you lose 1/2 the capacity so you end up having the fill the machine more often anyway and you dont actually make any more money.

i dont know if a vendo 540 is a bottle machine or not, if it is maybe

consider moving it to the construction site and putting the 276 at the pool area. a 276 can defiantly support $100/mo acct. its risky because of vandalism but you will end up doing less servicing and you can put waters in there more easily

anyway if you absolutely must use the can machine the door will explain how to do it basically you need to reset the rear spacer to whatever hole it tells you on the door diagram and then set the cam also. to set the cam you pull the top wheel out a bit and rotate it to the specified hole. its tricky to explain but just try it. if you need the cam setting and spacer setting go to the "package setup" page in dixie narco's technical support area on their website.

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Technivend what do you mean by "Make sure the chute assembly is setup for the can size which will tighten up that area". Sorry I'm not quite following. Also I have anti-theft clips already under the cradle bed. I have thought about a possible solution. I am thinking about possibly putting some sort of bar or little piece behind the gauge bar behinh the 3rd car so the next cans that falls down wont slide to the back. The piece of object would stop the can from sliding back to position 4. It might be a pain in the butt doing it for all the can selections but it might be worth it. Is this a good idea and will it work?

For the coin jam, I went to my machine and the coin mech was fine. However the same location which I always have problems with now today something else happened. The DBV was off. I tried to replug the harness and turn off the machine and turn it back on but that didnt help. I tried to tighten the harness and play with where the harness goes into the DBV and sometimes it would work and turn the DBV back on. Couldn't get it to stay on though. The funny thing is I closed the door and after a second the DBV made a noise haha and all of a sudden it started taking bills again. I dont know but I think I might possibly need a new harness. Not sure but I am starting to hate this location. I have a 2002 CB700 which I was thinking about replacing with the vendo 540. It all works fine and at least has the drop sensor technology which I really like. I dont wont to give any more touble to the people at the location. I think if my problems continue, I will do the machine swap.

As far as for the selection 8 not taking the yoohoo cans in, I noticed that the Vendo 540 has these skinny metals to the side of each slot. I guess their called shims. But I noticed that they are their for all the can slots. So I tried to remove it for the 8th selection yoohoo slot and I noticed that cans would go down into the cradle bed fine since theres more room now at the bottom of the slot. However the cans get jammed under the cradle bed once released. Therefore, I can bend the gauge bar slightly or even put it into position 3 which would make it more wide. Didnt get to test this as I had to go use the bathroom soon haha. I will soon let you guys know what happens. I can also try bottles in the 8th selection to see what happens. I just dont get though why theirs shims for the cans while the bottles dont have any, I feel like none of the cans need the metal thin piece to the right sude of each slot direectly above to the right of the cradle bed.

As far as for the DN 276, its an old machine from the 80s so it being in a construction trailer is like the best location for it. I want to keep it there but I really would like the constuction workers to be able to buy water. Not just from a business aspect but also to make them happy. I have already changed the cam setting before so I know how to do that. However my problem is that even if I change the cam setting, it doesnt change the depth setting. Another words for the cans, they are set for double depth which is right. But if I am going to do water then it should only be doing single depth. When I change the cam setting on the water, it still acts like its 2 deep. I changed my rear spacer correctly so the rear spacer shouoldnt be a problem. I think that if a cam setting determines the depth of the selection, then I dont know what to say. If that was the case for me, then I would have no problems. I might try to call Dixie Narco and see if they can help. I know what some of you guys might say, put the CB 700 at the constuction site, I dont think it will work, too much of a hassle when the doors only 34 inches wide. Its bad enough the trailers are so close together too so can't backup the liftgate truck either.

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if you watch the motor as it turns you will see why the cam

setting matters. it sounds like the cam setting is wrong, honestly

if you have a cell phone camera posts some pictures or video here

of the cam setting and motor turning as u actuate the switch. that might help

just keep in mind you will be servicing that location to get jammed bottle waters out of the machine now and then

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It's hard to explain and as there are so many different types of delivery chutes i can't get into detail without seeing your exact model and the parts blowup doesn't show anything. If you could post or email me a picture of the delivery area (from inside and outside) so I could look at it we could see if anything is missing

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