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Bulk Candy for Office


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Ok, so I was fortunate enough to land an office building with about 25 employees - no other vending machines of any type - and I was able to talk the owner into bulk candy machines. I even typed up a survey and had the employees check the type of candy that they would like...(most votes win) - this way I can be sure that the demand is there for whatever I put in the machine. However, I also noted on that survey that the candy will be in addition to a gumball machine. 2 NW 60s on a single stand.

The issue is I'm having 2nd thoughts about putting gumballs in - do you think an office setting would due or just stick with candy? I didn't get any objections and I would love to increase my margins by using gum - but my wife is putting doubts in my head ;-)


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Joe put the gumballs in. If it does work change it out. But you might be surprised. I sell a lot of GB in adult only locations.

I have several adult gumball locations that do very good. It only takes 1 or 2 junkies to make a good spot.

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Put the GB'S.

I have some mostly-adult locations that do well with GB's.

GB's do better than chiclets with most adults...I would have never believed that without experiencing it for myself.

You may have to rotate the GB's out now and again as they get bored with them, but that goes with any product.

Eventually, you'll be putting them in and taking them out every couple of services as you continue rotating products.

That will keep them interested in your double...and interest equals quarters.

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I'm a bit late to the party but yes, GB should go in.

Also, be aware that the candy that the location chooses won't do nearly as well as you think. I understand the desire to please every location but you will soon learn what actually sells and what doesn't. Most of the time, the location requested candy rarely sells.

Sent using Tapatalk for Android.

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Gumballs are starting to sell well for me. For the first 2 or 3 months, the gumballs didn't move much compared to the other products. But then the 4th month, i was about to remove the gumballs and all of a sudden in those 3 spots i was gonna remove them, they were almost completely empty. So i guess overtime people like the gumballs.

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