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Researching # of Employees in your target area?

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Hi, can someone please help me determine how to find out how many employees are in each business so I can thereby develop a prospect list?

Has anyone done this before?

yes the library will have a database of businesses i forget the name of it offhand but ask the librarian and they can assist you, however its very annoying to use because you cant download a listing easily. or you can buy one online they cost anywhere from $100 to a few thousand (from somewhere like Dunn & Bradstreet).

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You can search for company and employee information online for free at www.manta.com. Just make sure to double check their information by finding the company website or google to make sure that they are still in business and haven't changed names. For example, in my town they list a grocery store that has been closed for about 5 years now.

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You can search for company and employee information online for free at www.manta.com. Just make sure to double check their information by finding the company website or google to make sure that they are still in business and haven't changed names. For example, in my town they list a grocery store that has been closed for about 5 years now.

Thank you for this link! manta looks awesome!

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I mainly use manta, but nothing beats the old drive by and count cars. Its funny, locations always seem to want to count the cleaning crew, landscaping company, and the bosses kids who stop in after school when you ask for an employee count.


yeah RJT gave me a great rule of thumb for the car count. i wont give away all his tricks

cause i know he wants to earn a living LOL

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yeah RJT gave me a great rule of thumb for the car count. i wont give away all his tricks

cause i know he wants to earn a living LOL

Who me? I dont mind you sharing some of the tricks of the trade I told ya. :)

While I do consulting for a fee I try and help out where I can on this and other forums as time permits. However, if people want to speed along their knowledge and get it first hand I am glad to have them as a client. If they have some time (a lot of time) and can spend many hours reading and asking questions they can learn a lot from this forum. Even with that it is tough but can be done. I think that is most peoples biggest mistake in vending when they start out. They simply rush into it and start buying equipment, or hiring a locator, or buying a route or location, all to find out it was a mistake. People need to take their time and reserach a lot or find a mentor, or hire a consultant, etc when getting started.

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