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Tampa area full line locations


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I just received 3 calls from Tampa Florida companies wanting vending service. Two are apartments near the University and another is a pretty large company North of Tampa on I-75. They have a large bank of machines including 4 drink, 2 snack, food and coffee.

If they are still available (they left messages last week) I do not charge Vendiscuss members any fees. Let me know via email, I will see if I can schedule a time for you to meet with them. Please email bluemooseloc@yahoo.com to be sure I get it.

Blue Moose

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fair warning i would not leave any outside machines in apartments near the university

that neighborhood is really bad i lived there for years

Thanks I will pass it on. Someone contacted me already, Brian from Citrus Vending and he said he would take them and check them out. So good luck to him....hope they work out. He did mention University sites could be a little iffy.


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