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Dubble Bubble Mega Fruit


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For what it's worth, there is a 9-way at my local Wal-Mart grocery store that has 4 2in machines on the top rack. It has mega-fruit, large sticky, tough stuff, and something else that I can't remember. They are all selling for 75c. Mega-Fruit seems to have sold the most of all 4 items. I have just come from there a few minutes ago, and I saw the mega fruit and I remembered this thread, so I thought I'd check it out just to see how well it was doing. All the toys looked to have sold about 1/4, while the mega fruit seems to have sold about 1/3. These are the 30in machines.

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For what it's worth, there is a 9-way at my local Wal-Mart grocery store that has 4 2in machines on the top rack. It has mega-fruit, large sticky, tough stuff, and something else that I can't remember. They are all selling for 75c. Mega-Fruit seems to have sold the most of all 4 items. I have just come from there a few minutes ago, and I saw the mega fruit and I remembered this thread, so I thought I'd check it out just to see how well it was doing. All the toys looked to have sold about 1/4, while the mega fruit seems to have sold about 1/3. These are the 30in machines.

I don't think they fill the mega-fruit as high as the capsules. Too heavy.

My experience is the same as Havending. Sales not great. Makes a mess.

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When I worked for Folz back in the late '90's/early 2000's, they had Mega Mouth first (giant gumballs) then switched to Mega Fruit the last year or so I was there. I remember even back then it chipped a lot and created a mess, but not hard to clean up. Obviously, with Folz as large as they were, a few messed up gumballs weren't a big deal because of the huge amount of locations, but I'm sure the smaller vendors don't want even one to go to waste. Especially at 75 cents a pop. They always did sell good, mostly in the bigger stores like Toys R US and Walmarts.

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