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Hook line and sinker


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Went out locating today..my target was mostly pizza places.. As we were driving around.. I was trying to think our a good closing line .. The one that gave me a yes.. I think I have a good intro and middle pitch.. But the close is something of a stumper... Can anyone tell me a good ending that has helped them get a Yes..

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Whenever I work with buisinesses, I tend to stress not only how good it is for their buisiness, but how much their CUSTOMERS will enjoy my vending services. They want their customers to be happy no matter what buisiness they are, so try and stress that if you can. But, yeah, the commission percentage is going to be your big point. Good luck!

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Went out locating today..my target was mostly pizza places.. As we were driving around.. I was trying to think our a good closing line .. The one that gave me a yes.. I think I have a good intro and middle pitch.. But the close is something of a stumper... Can anyone tell me a good ending that has helped them get a Yes..

when they ask you a question...answer with "would that earn your business today?
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Ya I've worked all those in.. Lol.. Guess I just need to practice in the mirror alittle longer..plan on locating on my next day off. I have two more to find homes for, hopefully... I can do it before the end of the month..

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Ya I've worked all those in.. Lol.. Guess I just need to practice in the mirror alittle longer..plan on locating on my next day off. I have two more to find homes for, hopefully... I can do it before the end of the month..

every time i do a pitch or meeting of any kind i do a "post-game" analysis afterwards. there is no secret closing line that will always work...just like when u were younger u probably heard of pick-up lines, and realized quick that its a myth. if you have the courage to go in and pitch you've won 75% of the battle the rest is just figuring out the customers needs and how to meet them. if you get a rejection try to figure what you could have done differently, really think about what they said and how you could have handled the conversation differently. this has helped me a lot. remember you can always go back.

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every time i do a pitch or meeting of any kind i do a "post-game" analysis afterwards. there is no secret closing line that will always work...just like when u were younger u probably heard of pick-up lines, and realized quick that its a myth. if you have the courage to go in and pitch you've won 75% of the battle the rest is just figuring out the customers needs and how to meet them. if you get a rejection try to figure what you could have done differently, really think about what they said and how you could have handled the conversation differently. this has helped me a lot. remember you can always go back.

dogcow how is your honor snack systems goin

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I like to think that every no brings me one step closer to a yes. When I'm in the selling mode I can actually get excited hearing a no. Here is what is the hardest thing for me. Walking in the first door from there on out it is all down hill.

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I like to think that every no brings me one step closer to a yes. When I'm in the selling mode I can actually get excited hearing a no. Here is what is the hardest thing for me. Walking in the first door from there on out it is all down hill.

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Idk. Walking in, is easy for me it's getting them to admit that they are the owner... Lol... Or they have to talk with there partner who is never there.. more practice is what I'm lacking... It's been enjoyable to hit the streets locating and watching my machines leave my garage for active duty....

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