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Tattoo Locations


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Does any one have tattoo parlors for a location, if so how well do they do ? I know they have waiting traffic, but I have never tried to place there nor have I ever seen a machine in a tattoo parlor.

Tattoo parlors are good locations. They are good for candy. The only problem I have had was when both locatons closed down, I was not contacted and they stole my 3 1800 machines. Never got them back. Both locations were gold mines. One location had 2 1800 machines on I Dr. In Orlando and did over $120/mon. and the other one did about $35-40/mon.

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I've had a few tattoo places. They are just like any other place. Some don't want food around, so will not allow candy machines. Others love them. I've tried to locate a tattoo parlors often, and with most, I've found some sort of candy machine. Some even had those 8-way uturns.

I've also had machines stolen out of tattoo parlors, so be careful. Tattoo parlors are generally fly-by-night and not in the nicest of areas, and the clientele is usually there late at night. This makes it ripe for bad things to happen to your machines. I've had more than one close up shop without telling me, and taking off with my machines.

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