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locator on this forum ripped me off


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Are Bargain Locators "on this forum"?

Unless I'm mistaken, a member here just found them online and started a thread to outline their experience with Bargain.

I do not believe anyone from Bargain is an actual member here.

There's a big difference between a locator that is "on this forum" and a locator that is "mentioned on this forum".

Could you relay more details regarding why you feel Bargain ripped you off?

It would be good to have whatever details you can comfortably share.

All in all, I'm sorry you are going through this.

You were very excited about them after your first location.

Too bad it went south so soon.

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Have you tried calling, how long has it been since you paid until they stopped answering your emails? I would like to know how exactly you were "Ripped Off"

Open up a dispute with your C/C company, if you paid Paypal you will have more difficulty getting your money back because it is a service and not goods

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Bargin locators gave me an excellent location. I then placed an order for 3 more locations and have not recieved any of them. He ripped me off 90.00

Beware of this locator on the fourm

Not to defend them, but when did you place the order and how did you pay for it? What is the chronology of events subsequent to the order that lead you to believe that you are being ripped off?

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I feel i was ripped off because i gave bargin locators 90.00 back in December and here it is mid feb. and im still out the 90.00 and no replacement locations. I have emailed and tried to contact bargin locators but nothing back from them. Just think that they did me shady and want all other vendors to beware.

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When did u make the request for the replacement? I notice in another thread you made the mention about having to replace the three locations on feb 4th... Did u request earlier I did called him the other day for some information ... But wasn't impress so I didn't go with them... Maybe glad I didn't... But I would give it a min more and just see what happens.. When u first place the order for the 3 locations how long did it take?

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I have had issues with another locator not getting me locations, mainly because my type of machine requires a in person locator to place. I had paid them $600 for 13 locations. 4 months later and with only 1 really good location, I contacted the locator and requested my money back. This locator returned my phone calls and emails and refund was in mail by the end of the week with it showing up a my house a few days later. I think if you don't get a response within the next few days I would contact your CC co. and file a claim against them.

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