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Flat Vending - Trading Cards


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Hey everyone

I have been toying with the idea of starting a small vending business in my mostly rural area. I am interested in doing flat vending, however. I was thinking about doing something with trading cards (ie Yugioh, Pokemon, Magic the Gathering). I would essentially buy a large lot of trading cards (and possibly visit garage sales for lots of cards) and then stock machines with them. One card per cardboard folder.

Has anyone does this before? Is it still economically viable? I've been trying to figure out how successful this can be; I've only been running low numbers from some early calculations of selling cards @ 50 cents each.

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I've toyed with the idea myself, but never found a location that would warrant it. I'm not sure what sort of modifications would need to be made to a sticker machine to make that work either. I had only been considering sport cards, so you may be onto something with trading cards. Good luck with whatever you wind up doing!

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You can use plastic top load holders. A bit more expensive than the cardboard holders but customers really seem to like it and it will help sales. Depending on the machines it may take a bit of adjustment but not much. Have run sports cards out out of Allstars for years with few problems. Honestly sales have been slow over the last couple years. Nascar has really slowed down. Football is the leader in sales followed by basketball and then baseball. Good luck with it.

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