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Is $7 the national average of GB singles?

JLM Vending

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I am not even close to the sharpest tool in the shed but thanks to mostly this site and the advice from its members I am where I am with my vending biz now. listen to these people some of them have been in the vending business since before you were born

I believe it

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Jlm go on CL type in candy vending machine... Find some nice ones 25$ - 50$ you can set for alerts when a new machine comes up... And move forward I've pick up my small racks 100$ each 2 heads and a 4way sticker machine already made my money back for one

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go on CL, or even ebay sometimes. If you have any questions, before you start a whole new thread, use the search, if that doesn't work scroll though pages of threads and 99% of the time you will find your answer. Every question you have asked has been gone over. The only reason this forum is here, is to help other people, there is nothing being sold for profit, there is no advertising. People love to help. Before you do anything in a vending business, just think about it for a second, look on TVF and see what other people already did or would do. If you object to someones post, come back with a well though out response. everyone just wants to help, but dont ask a questions if you think you already know the answer, or only want to hear one answer.

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All of my machines are secondhand. While some consider this a huge disadvantage, but I have had to learn firsthand what machines are worth, what are deals (and what are not) and subsequently how to operate my business. Despite a lot of hard feelings, I'd recommend starting with Vendstars. They're cheap triples, but reliable enough to get you going. Parts are plentiful and inexpensive. Take your present investment, place it to the best of your ability, and work with it. Thanks to good placement and a bucket of my own research, I managed to start off in the right direction. With your equipment and drive JLM, you can easily turn this around. Listen to Sherlock, the guy is spot on, and with a little guidance I think you can triumph. Start small, and work your way up. Slow and steady all the way. Good luck JLM!

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