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How Feasible is Bulk Vending in Silicon Valley?


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I I think I speak for everyone when I say we are tired of your golpher posts,your golpher topics started and personally it bothers me that you give others advice when you don't know golpher about vending.

Well a lot of people getting into it have listened and thanked me, just trying to help. I don't know what i said that was so bad. Just the Peanut MM thing?

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Well a lot of people getting into it have listened and thanked me, just trying to help. I don't know what i said that was so bad. Just the Peanut MM thing?

JLM, just stop posting and giving out advice, wrong advice at that.

To the original post, the best thing you said and the smartest thing anyone can do is this, start slow and paddle in the shallow end, don't throw but a few hundred into it and see if you like it. if you do than great, use your profits to expand slowly, and if you really enjoy it, invest some extra capital to grow faster. Just remember how ever you go about it there is no way to get rich fast, you can make money but it takes time and dedication. Do not throw all your money away though, everyone on TVF is here to help with any question you may have through your journey.

The only advice i have is do not take any advice from JLM Vending.

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They have listened to you because they don't know any better. You've been told enough times stop asking your stupid questions .you ask until someone gives you the answers you like. you wanna go full time and vend pmm go right ahead let us know where you're at in 6 months.in the mean time stop coming around here and dedicate all your time and effort into building your route.

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They have listened to you because they don't know any better. You've been told enough times stop asking your stupid questions .you ask until someone gives you the answers you like. you wanna go full time and vend pmm go right ahead let us know where you're at in 6 months.in the mean time stop coming around here and dedicate all your time and effort into building your route.


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Just do as Steve suggested and use the preferences to ignore people wasting time. It is sad that others will be mislead but it can't be helped. It is the responses to the troll that fill the board with uselessness, THAT is the troll goal. The troll is an operator that is weak and afraid. Information makes one strong! Help the the newbies ignore the trolls and the board will be fine. I've been down this road before and speak from the experience of making the wrong respose and enabling the troll. I have however learned to deal with these guys in an great way. Never argue, just repeat your best advise over and over because THAT is what the troll is trying to stop by getting you to argue! LOl, btw, "south of the bay area" a true statement but not the bay area in California. Lets go vending with single head oak vistas with 850 gum and make some money!!

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LOl, btw, "south of the bay area" a true statement but not the bay area in California.

San Jose has always been "The South Bay", but I've never heard it called "south of the bay area".

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Look. Based on my experience PMM outsold gb by a ratio of 6 to 1. Im not trying to argue. Infact I will take the advice of the others on here. I won't tell others to sell PMM then anymore. Alrighty? I will just do what Antonio said and work the machines instead of offer advice on here. Im sorry.

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Look. Based on my experience PMM outsold gb by a ratio of 6 to 1. Im not trying to argue. Infact I will take the advice of the others on here. I won't tell others to sell PMM then anymore. Alrighty? I will just do what Antonio said and work the machines instead of offer advice on here. Im sorry.

Not to be "that guy" but, JLM has made some very good posts in the past. I'm not going to "defend" JLM, but I will say this- this is an open forum where vendors of all levels of experience should be allowed to chime in.

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Not to be "that guy" but, JLM has made some very good posts in the past. I'm not going to "defend" JLM, but I will say this- this is an open forum where vendors of all levels of experience should be allowed to chime in.

They are right though. I need to buckle up and get to work. I realized that I can sit here all day and hang out in the forum, but if Im not actively building my route then nothing happens. I knew some vendors that never went online and i realized the only way im going to make money is by getting a little busy and just doing it. Im basing my assumptions all on my results with the u turns and so that is why Im a little stubborn. However Im going to take the advice from the majority on here and slowly implement some of the tactics. If it doesn't work, then I can always go back to my old ways. But the bottom line is I realized I wont make any money being on here. That said, I better get to work. Thanks.

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They are right though. I need to buckle up and get to work. I realized that I can sit here all day and hang out in the forum, but if Im not actively building my route then nothing happens. I knew some vendors that never went online and i realized the only way im going to make money is by getting a little busy and just doing it. Im basing my assumptions all on my results with the u turns and so that is why Im a little stubborn. However Im going to take the advice from the majority on here and slowly implement some of the tactics. If it doesn't work, then I can always go back to my old ways. But the bottom line is I realized I wont make any money being on here. That said, I better get to work. Thanks.

Good luck JLM!

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