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What's your average monthly pull for triple head vends?


Average Monthly Pull For Triple Head Vends  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. What's your average monthly pull for triple head vends?

    • $40 to $50
    • $30 to $39
    • $25 to $29
    • $20 to $24
    • $15 to $19
    • $9 to $14
    • Lower than $9

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I'm a newbie who's still doing her due diligence and trying to get a sense as to what I can expect to average per month with a triple. So, what's your average monthly pull?

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I'm a newbie who's still doing her due diligence and trying to get a sense as to what I can expect to average per month with a triple. So, what's your average monthly pull?

I don't fo triples anymore. The national avg. per head is $7 per head per month. That would avg. out to $21 per machine per month. Of course that is avg. some do more and some fo less. It will depend on you on l

how low you will go before you pull machine and relocate.

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Is that $7 per head statistic from the Vending Times? I thought that it was $220 per year for double heads, which would figure out to $330 per year (or about $27 per month) for a triple. The $220 was the 2010 statistic in Vending Times. Also, the poll is showing a pretty wide difference. I'd sure like to hear from some more folks how their triples are averaging. Thanks, everyone!

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Did you read through the revenue report section? There are a lot of members sharing their averages there.

Sent from my Android using Tapatalk.

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Thanks, Caserri, I did (and it has some interesting figures too) but the thing is that there doesn't seem to be a lot of info for this year and it is often unclear what type of machine is contemplated, so I would be interested to see more folks weigh in on how their triples are averaging in the poll above.

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I'm also a newbie. I hope a lot of people complete your poll because I would really like to see what people have been averaging lately.

This sort of data is as good as gold. I hope a lot of operators fill this one out so we can all get a really good look at this.

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im curious why so many members find this helpful, i can kinda understand if the question was what is the lowest you will except from a triple before swap to a double, single or pull it all together. If you are not factoring in types of locations and products vending then this is all pretty much useless info

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im curious why so many members find this helpful, i can kinda understand if the question was what is the lowest you will except from a triple before swap to a double, single or pull it all together. If you are not factoring in types of locations and products vending then this is all pretty much useless info

My interest really lies in what kind of average gross can reasonably be maintained across a variety of location types if you have hundreds of machines. While candy type obviously makes a big difference, assuming the operator is using the popular candy for the location, I'm interested in hearing more about what type of average (in people's experiences) can really be realistically expected per triple head?

The Vending Times census for 2010 seems to say that the average annual gross per machine is $220 for candy bulk machines. It does not say how many heads for this average. Some people seem to say the average is $7 per head, but presumably the census included singles, doubles, and triples, so I doubt (if they averaged singles, doubles, and triples together) that the $220 is the amount for a triple. If it is for a double, then that $220 equates to about $27 for a triple per month. That however, seems high. I was just wondering what average for a triple is really realistic in people's experience.

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most of the triples i had in restaurants averaged around $40-50 a month, problem is, the triples lack of capacity when your looking to extend service times out to 90 days also they don't hold up as well in higher volume accounts, i've had several 1800 triples that wore off the teeth of the wheel. if you don't already have triples then go with singles so you have the freedom of choice between single, double or triple.

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This is also a good cross reference to see where we are at across the country. Our own, in house "National Average" if you will. For me, this is a good measure to compare route success. For example, at this moment, I'm the lowest average triple operator, despite running high selling candy and good machines. My bad locations are pulling me down, and as such I need to re-evaluate my situation. Before this poll, I figured I was doing alright with the old Vending Times average, but now I think I need to re-evaluate some of my spots to improve my average. The more knowledge you have, the better prepared you are to tackle the world!

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even if you do get to the higher side of the averages don't be content look for ways to keep the averages going up be it more equipment, a better spot in the location, better products, higher price points, or even led lit live displays. oh and keep plenty of product that has to be ordered on hand so don't have machines sitting there empty not making quarters, and this is the one I have the hardest time with because of budget constraints.

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This is also a good cross reference to see where we are at across the country. Our own, in house "National Average" if you will. For me, this is a good measure to compare route success. For example, at this moment, I'm the lowest average triple operator, despite running high selling candy and good machines. My bad locations are pulling me down, and as such I need to re-evaluate my situation. Before this poll, I figured I was doing alright with the old Vending Times average, but now I think I need to re-evaluate some of my spots to improve my average. The more knowledge you have, the better prepared you are to tackle the world!

This is exactly the reason why I started the revenue reporting section. To "guage the health" of your business.

Unfortunately, many members misunderstand the concept and choose not to participate. At one time we had a monthly poll to vote your average take. I ran it for just over a year but I never got more than 9 or 10 people to participate so I abandoned it.

When I vended, I too thought I was doing great and never pushed myself to do better until I started reading about the accomplishments of others. Then I realized just how poorly I was doing. It was the kick in the pants I needed to better my route.

There are many opinions on the revenue section but I firmly believe in it.

Sent from my Android using Tapatalk.

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It would also be interesting to hear (from some of the folks with higher averages) at what types of locations (other than restaurants) they are finding that they get really good pulls with triples.

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