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Has anybody heard of cokepromotions.com

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  • 2 weeks later...

So it has been a couple weeks since my last post and I was a bit excited as I thought I was finally going to get my refund. Turns out, I never got my refund and still do not have a machine and location. He had a supposed " Number 1" closer call me to schedule appointments and close some locations but that didn't work either. I was told that the locations were already sold and all I had to do was go there to measure the spot for the machine. After leaving both appointments, they were anything but sold. It has been over a week since the meetings and not a single word back. Stay away from the nightmare and find locations yourself or pay an actual professional locator. I'm going on 4 months and counting. Lucky me.

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I had a friend in California that fell for the Coke Promo scam, completed a transaction with them through PayPal for something, then Coke Promotions hacked his PayPal account and started stealing money until PayPal saw it and flagged it. Watch out for that!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is the e-mail Joe is now sending to current potential victims. PLEASE STAY AWAY. 8/6/127:51 PM



Please be advised: that www.cokepromotions .com is the only vending machine supplier and locator…that stand behind low prices and fair service. Competition that gets by on double the price…with less package perks…has been involved in an ongoing “spoof” campaign, and lately we have been receiving a wave of spoof emails, threats, and fraudulent client testimonials grossly misrepresenting our company and its services. Those involved include a former employee, Ms. Sherry Redford, who was hired to resolve customer issues…such as refunds, credits, or delays. Ms. Redford was terminated for gross misrepresentation to a number of locations, and has now organized the group of clients she was responsible for, into a contact network of negative references…and trafficking their contact to new clients in order to boycott her termination without pay. She and those involved are being chartered to civil court. If you have been contacted by Miss Redford and/or her network please do not draw any conclusions based on the testimonials of the few clients that we have had that were truly unqualified for the program. We have a much larger list of positive referrals… (Clients who have had positive experiences with our company). To request this list or to end the prank calls or emails please forward all spoof emails or phone call details to: info@cokepromotions.com. Thank you for your understanding and we apologize for the inconvenience.

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FROM ME ON 5/31/12


This is Chris T. in Riverside. I'm not sure if you are still involved in my transaction or not, but it is evident to me that someone has dropped the ball on my order, or I put to much trust in a company with a craigslist ad. As you can see from the e-mail below, $600 cleared my account to yours on April 10, 2012. This was 52 days ago, more than 8 weeks. All I have so far is phone calls from 5 different people, and empty promises. Here's what I have so far for my money: 2 1/2 weeks turned into 4, turned into 8, turned into .... someday soon I hope. My 2 accounts I ordered apparently turned into one with multiple machines. 8 weeks ago, I was told that sometimes account come with more than one machine and the extra units are just that, extra. I wanted accounts more than I wanted many units at one location. I heard from a new guy Eric, that says he's taking over, then I hear from a gal that is going to send me some paperwork but she isn't sure what paperwork. Then I hear form a guy that is selling accounts in my area as if he just started working my account yesterday. C'mon man, this isn't cool. I am interested in owning soda machines, but not at the expense of having one account in motel in a rough area of town with a support team that can't seem to follow through. I had heard promises of gift cards for the wait, possibly filling the unit for a "new customer," Eric mentioned maybe tossing in an extra account for the wait ... this list of promises goes on and on ... but what I don't have is any business to go with my empty pocket. Everyday, I have to answer to my 16-year old as to what I have done with our investment. You tell me what to tell him now, because I have told him everything your team has told me, and I'm having trouble gaining trust on this issue anymore.

What do you think we should do to fix this mess? Please keep the idea of refunding my money as an option. I'll await to hear any of your other options you may have...




Time's up. 66 days is all I can take. I want my $600 back. You quoted me 14-21 days and I've given you 3 times that amount. Please don't make this hard. Let me know if you would rather send a money order to my address, or if you would prefer electronic billing, I will try to send an invoice from my account. I don't accept paypal.

Chris in Riverside



Please discontinue all pursuits of locations on my account. I'm out. Last week, by phone, you asked for me to wait until Monday, and by e-mail you asked that I wait until Tuesday. I awarded you that courtesy after 66 days of payment with no compensation. I have met all extended, extended, extended, time lines. In our conversations yesterday (6/19/12), I learn that no units are on the ground, and that pre-install stages are still in the works with one of the possible locations you have in mind. This should have been wrapped up weeks ago. Today is day 71 that I am without my money, or product. I no longer want product. I want my money back.

Please do not call asking for more time. All I want to hear is the method you plan to pay me ( and my 16-year-old son) back.




Again, please give me my money back. You have held my $600 hostage for almost 80 days. I no longer want soda machines from you. What I want is $600. You have until Thursday at 5 pm pacific time to return my $600 in full.

The cost you accrued by trying to secure accounts is your problem. Not mine.

If I have not received my $600 in full by Thursday at 5 pm, I will proceed with filing these court papers. I doubt that will be fun.


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How is that metro vending? Talked to them once and claimed a 500$ a week net with 8 machines, and low purchase minimums with the bottlers. Sounded to good to believe so just dismissed them.

This thread about metro vending and the other 2 threads that it links too ought to answer your question.




Again, please give me my money back. You have held my $600 hostage for almost 80 days. I no longer want soda machines from you. What I want is $600. You have until Thursday at 5 pm pacific time to return my $600 in full.

The cost you accrued by trying to secure accounts is your problem. Not mine.

If I have not received my $600 in full by Thursday at 5 pm, I will proceed with filing these court papers. I doubt that will be fun.


Sounds like you've given him plenty of opportunity to fix the problem. Would be interested to hear continuing followups as warranted

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Again, please give me my money back. You have held my $600 hostage for almost 80 days. I no longer want soda machines from you. What I want is $600. You have until Thursday at 5 pm pacific time to return my $600 in full.

The cost you accrued by trying to secure accounts is your problem. Not mine.

If I have not received my $600 in full by Thursday at 5 pm, I will proceed with filing these court papers. I doubt that will be fun.


I'm interested in hearing how this one plays out, if you are willing and able to provide updates to us. Good luck getting your money back!
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