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Seasonal product?


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There's a smaller start-up vendor in my area that operates a few double candy heads in a variety of locations. They run M&M's, and Peanut M&M's. The thing I find most novel about them is that their plain M&M's are changed out every so often for the "seasonal" colors. They still have the Easter pastels in right now. Now, because they're new, I'm assuming they're just eating the added cost by buying the M&M's at the store- but they got me thinking- can you buy the holiday/seasonal M&M's in bulk from distributors? While it seems like it would be a lot of work for a whole route, a few select locations would be impressed if a vendor could do this without incurring the significant costs. I'm always adding new tricks to my repertoire, so I figured I'd show this idea to the rest of you to see what you think.

Is there a cheap way to vend "seasonal" candy, and would it be worth it?

Opinions, thoughts, or ideas anyone?

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I see the same size bulk bags for M&M's at Sam's for all the seasonal candy around here. My concern would be what happens to the candy you have left over the holiday, would people stop getting it because they think it's old because the holiday has passed? Also along that lines after a holiday the unsold candy is sold dirt cheap at a lot of stores, wonder if you bought it for the extra profit if you could move it successfully?

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The xmas ones are better because they fit in better with the normal colors. The easter ones look awful in machines mixed with the normal ones. Its hard to pass up the under $5 price per bag after the holiday. I dont buy too much of ether and use it busy public locations. Next year im not buying any of the easter kind.

PMM`s sell so fast that I wouldnt swap them out. They cost too much to waste if still fresh.

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