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From what I understand, it's a regional thing. Here I use Mike and Ike's, Skittles, and either M&M's or some sort of runts. A lot of people swear by peanut M&M's, but I can't seem to give them away here.

It also comes down to what you can get in time for the placement. Whatever you do, good luck!

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Peanut M&M's are my best seller at all locations here in my area. If you use PM&M's make sure you don't give to many away by having your candy wheel wide open they are fairly expensive so you need to monitor your candy output. I generally have PM&M's along with skittles, and gum in my triples. Like Preforma said it comes down to your region and what people want. Try three things out fill each hopper half way see what sells and what does not. If they don't touch one of the products after a month or so switch it out. Good luck.

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I am planning to acquire some triples shortly and when I do I will use skittles, runts and gum balls. The vendor I bought my route from cautioned me about PMM because of the price(like others have mentioned already). He didn't use them unless the account wanted it or said no gum. It seems here that skittles and regular assorted gumballs are the best sellers. I have refilled more of that than anything else since I started.

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If you can vend toys out of your triple, don't even waste your time with candy. I have two pizza places with 1800 triples selling toys in all three heads, and no way would I switch any of my toy heads to candy in those locations. The toys do much better. If you're REALLY hesitant to go three heads of toys, maybe make one head gumballs and two heads toys; but I say go all three heads selling 1" toys at 50 cents. I'm sure you'll be happy you did. I'm finding toys SO MUCH easier to merchandise and market than candy. There are really only a handful of candies that sell very well, but with toys you have dozens of products to choose from with any supplier of your choice and you can rotate them from location to location to keep the offerings fresh and sales up. The only downside to toys is they take up a lot more room when storing bags of them and transporting them on your service runs, but that's really the only downside.

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Oh, and one more thing about toys at a pizza place. A story from the manager of one of my pizza places: a group of soccer kids all came in after a big game and by the time they left they had nearly emptied the triple. When pizza places get large crowds of kids (as they tend to with birthday parties and sporting events) you can make far more with toys than you will with candy. One Sunday afternoon soccer team dinner will eclipse any earnings you might have made with candy.

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