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crazy month?


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Here in el Paso it was super hot last week like 98-103 and since wednsday its like winter its 60 right now. Iserviced this week and noticed a significant drop in my accounts it makes sence when its hot you want a cold drink. How do you guys deal with this? And how big of a drop? I know summer months must compensate bad months but would like to hear from you long termers

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It will vary wildly by account type. White collar office environment little drop off to maybe 20% or so, Blue collar type place where the guys are working in a hot/cold warehouse you might see a drop of 60-70% during especially cold damp weeks. As always YMMV, If you track the trends then when next year rolls around you will have a pretty good idea what to expect if things at the location stay the same.

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Here in the Ohio valley If it gets in the 90s drinks with alot of carbonation in them drop off quite a bit. Sports drinks and waters become the choice. Also if it gets that hot here alot of blue collar type places will break out the 5 gallon water jugs.

I offer to bring in tubs and ice down water and gatorade for some of my accounts give them a price break and invoice the company later. I have also provided my own 5 gallon jugs and sold them gatorade mix. Sort of like a coffee service only with ice. It beats not selling anything.

This has worked out better than I expected. Because of it I have several customers that when they have company functions will call me and ask for anywhere from 50 to 150 assorted drinks and snacks to be brought in and iced down. I give them a price break and I dont have to load the machines.

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