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.25 or .50 Toys...help a new guy out!


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I'm still pretty new to this. I've just begun to add the 1" toys to my fleet of triples and I'm just not sure which ones will sell at .50. I'm limited to selling only product that will vend through a gumball wheel. Are there any toys available that I'm gonna have to leave at .25? Or, will I be ok putting them all in at .50?

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What's your competition selling at davco1?

Reason I ask is that one can't simply price every 1" at .50 while your competition at shared locations is still selling at .25.

That would be a recipe for disaster.

If they have their 1" at .25 and you will be at .50, make sure you aren't offering the same toys.

Your lower COG at .50 gives you the flexibility of selling nicer stuff than your competition...you'll have to take advantage of that in order to make it work.

Even then, IMO nicer toys at .50 may still be a hard sell if your competition at shared locations is at .25.

Lots of kids would rather have 2 toys than one.

Even moreso than most adults, kids do not focus on the quality of a product...they're happier focusing on quantity.

If they can get 2 toys for .50 at someone else's machine, they probably will skip yours.

Regarding bounce balls: As stated, whether or not they sell at .50 depends on your competition's price-point.

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Even 27mm bouncys?

Unless you can buy them by the case, I would sell them at 50 cents, too. Bouncy balls are heavy and are very expensive to ship. Unless you've got a huge route and split the shipping cost over a very large order, the shipping costs will kill you.

I have a couple of locations that are shared with a guy vending cheap toys out of Uturns for 25 cents. At first I freaked out when his machines showed up because I'd had them all to myself for a long time and thought he was going to kill my sales. Not the case at all. My sales haven't declined at all. He sells the cheap A&A fun time mix and I sell much nicer toys at 50 cents. No discernible negative impact on my sales at all. Plus, I've noticed his product levels barely move when I go in to service my machines.

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I have a couple of locations that are shared with a guy vending cheap toys out of Uturns for 25 cents. At first I freaked out when his machines showed up because I'd had them all to myself for a long time and thought he was going to kill my sales. Not the case at all. My sales haven't declined at all. He sells the cheap A&A fun time mix and I sell much nicer toys at 50 cents. No discernible negative impact on my sales at all. Plus, I've noticed his product levels barely move when I go in to service my machines.

That's great insight...good to know you had a good experience with the higher price point against the competition.

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I think there are a lot of dynamic influences on the sales. I have better looking equipment, sell nicer toys, and have great looking product displays. The Uturn guy has beat up old machines, cheap looking product, and no displays at all.

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I'm selling mainly cheap toy mix called gravity...http://tntamusements.net/store/product-info.php?pid297.html. TNT is local so I don't have to pay shipping.

I'm really limited on what I can sell. They have to be round caps.

If anyone knows of some good sellers that will vend through a GB wheel, I would love to hear about it along with pricing and where I can get them. The information would be greatly appreciated.

Peanut MMs are my big seller, I have them in most of my machines, so I need to start selling toys for as much as the market will bear to bring my margins up.

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Just curious, what kind of machines are you vending from? I vend acorn capsules from my 1800 triples with very few problems; about the same misvend rate I see with my A&A, Oak, and Northwestern dedicated toy heads.

Peanut MMs are my big seller, I have them in most of my machines, so I need to start selling toys for as much as the market will bear to bring my margins up.

Ouch! You've got two low margin products. That hurts. PMMs are very expensive for a 25 cent vend and don't sell well at 50 cents.

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I'm running 75 LYPC triple pod machines. I ran half a canister of acorns through, it misfired three times and it binds.

The round caps run like buttah!

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  • 5 months later...

To piggyback on the OP a little bit...


Question guys, which of the suppliers tends to have better quality toys? I have 2 nice locations at schools that im going to be putting toys in. 



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